Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, 12 March 1782
Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison
RC (Virginia State Library). Written by Joseph Jones. Docketed, “Del: in Congress March 12th 1782.”
Phila: 12th. Mar: 1782
We are honoured with your favors of the 22d. ult.1 and 1st. instant the last covering a resolution of the House of Delegates of the 5th. of Jan[ua]ry last which we had before received2 and lodged a Copy with the supertendt. of Finance. We cannot at present return a full answer to your request respecting the supply of Beef required from Virga. for the Southern Army.3 It is probable we shall be able to do it by Mr. Randolph, who will set off in a few days for Virga.4
respectfully we are yr. most hum. Sevts.
J. Madison
Jos. Jones
1. Not found. See Jameson to JM, 23 February 1782, n. 1.
2. See Harrison to Virginia Delegates, 15 January, and n. 2; 1 March 1782.
3. See Virginia Delegates to Harrison, 15 February 1782, and n. 4.
4. See Virginia Delegates to Harrison, 19 March 1782. Edmund Randolph left Philadelphia on 18 March and never resumed his seat in Congress. The General Assembly re-elected him as a delegate on 15 June 1782 (Minute Book, House of Delegates, p. 72), but he declined in a letter received by the House of Delegates on 11 December ( , October 1782, p. 61). On 1 June 1782 he was appointed to a committee of five “to collect all Documents and Proofs necessary for establishing the Right of this State to it’s Western Territory as stated by the Act of Government in 1776” ( , VI, 189), a project he believed to be of sufficient significance to engage his unremitting attention ( , VI, 559, n. 2). See also Randolph to JM, 22 November 1782, quoted in excerpt by Moncure Daniel Conway in Omitted Chapters of History Disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph (New York, 1888), p. 47.