To Thomas Jefferson from Chiles Terrell, 26 February 1824
Richmond Feby 26th 1824
Dear Sir,
If you have not made any arrangement to fill the Stewardship of the University, it would gratify me, to be appointed to that office; and if it should be carried into operation next winter, I am willing to commence this Spring, in order to prepare the Garden & lots for a supply of vegetables.
In presenting myself to your Notice, for the object in view, it may be proper to give a short account of my self: I am upwards of 40 years of age, have been more than 20 years employed in the education of youth, have had the care of Boarding Schools, several years; and for the last five years, have kept a pretty extensive boarding establishment in this City.—I have a wife and 5 Small children, 8 Servants, 20 Beds and other furniture in proportion.
My wish, is to obtain such a situation, as may enable me to render services, sufficient for a liberal support of my family, and the privilege of attending the Lectures of the different Professors, with some liesure to turn them to a profitable purpose: And to enjoy in the mean time, the advantage of educating my children at the most splendid literary institution in the common wealth.
Should you be disposed to encourage my application, I will forward recommendations from many Gentlemen.
Chiles Terrell
CSmH: Jefferson File.