Thomas Cooper to Thomas Jefferson, 18 June 1823
From Thomas Cooper
Columbia June 18. 1823.
Dear Sir
Foreseeing an approaching storm, I wrote to you, on the chance of being able to find shelter against its effects; but I have expressed myself in my letter to you not so clearly as I ought. I am fully of your opinion, that those who govern your University neither can or ought to give countenance to any rival establishment public or private in its neighbourhood. My views were these: It is probable the extended combination among the Clergy here may effect the object of displacing me. There is not likely to be any choice of professors at Charlottesville for a year or two. If I can go as a private tutor in that neighbourhood during that period, it is (to me) probable, that my conduct and my capacity for the office I seek, being under the immediate inspection of the visitors or some of them, would operate in my favour against the common prejudices that oppose an obstacle to my future appointment as a Professor there. I conceive I run no hazard of losing character where I can be observed and judged of. Such was my train of thought on the Subject.
Since I wrote to you, I have gotten up an attack on the calvinistic clergy, which has been felt by them throughout the State: they will sink under it, and be paralyzed. The attempt I apprehended, may be made, but I am persuaded it will be, telum imbelle sine ictu
The favourable opinion of the Trustees, even of the calvinistic part of them, is unchanged; on their part, I have nothing to dread; and they constitute in fact the only practical and efficient tribunal authorized to act. Last week in making a new arrangement of the professorships, they gave me in fact carte blanche as to my choice, & requested me to give a course of lectures on political Economy. so that my standing here, is higher than ever it was, among the persons best qualified to judge: nor was the college at any previous time, so quiet, so orderly, or so entirely satisfied; it has increased and as I am informed, will receive next winter a greater accession of Students than at any former period.
I shall by and by collect & publish in a pamphlet my essays on the influence of the Clergy, not however as yet openly published as mine. I think they would have a good effect in your state: Our printer here, was dreadfully averse to them at first, and the more so as 5 or 6 subscribers withdrew: but a clear gain of 81 in about 3 months, has convinced him practically that the public are with us. The inveterate opposer of my pretensions here, the calvinist evangelical pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will be compelled to resign: his defeat is compleat. Another Parson of the same description who published a pamphlet against me charging me with Atheism &c &c, a Mr Eleazar Harris of York district, has lost all his congregation; has set up as schoolmaster, and advertises that he will send his pupils to the south Carolina College; notwithstanding his pamphlet was expressly written to prevent any students from coming there. I see the dawn of better times at home: & I hope abroad. May you live to witness the practical triumph of your own principles.
Thomas Cooper
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 25 June 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
In Virgil’s Aeneid, 2.544, the aged Priam throws his telum imbelle sine ictu (“weak and harmless spear”) ( , 1:352–3). The calvinist evangelical pastor was probably Thomas Charlton Henry, who resigned as minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia in January 1824 (Henry, Letters to a Friend [2d ed., London, 1829], xxi–xxii).
On 25 June 1823 Martha Jefferson Randolph wrote to Nicholas P. Trist from Monticello about the progress being made on the University of Virginia: “The University is going on as well as its best friends can wish. the rotunda is already raised to the floor and the general opinion is that the next assembly will liquidate the debt. the nigardliness of the one before the last raised such a general out cry through the state that the current is now setting in full tide in favor of it. we hear that the youth of South America look very much to it in preferance to the north, or Columbia which is so completely broken up that a South Carolinian who was here a few days since, told my father they were waiting with great impatience there for it to go into operation and that he believed all the young carolinians would be sent here. the neighbourhood is becoming much gayer[.] they have evening parties in Charlottesville in as good style as in any town in the Union, and of late very frequent” (RC in NcU: NPT; omitted period at right margin editorially supplied).
Index Entries
- Calvinism; criticisms of search
- Charlottesville, Va.; parties in search
- clergy; criticism of search
- clergy; influence of in colleges search
- Columbia, S.C.; churches in search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); as proposed private instructor search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); letters from search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); president of South Carolina College search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); professor at South Carolina College search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); religious beliefs of criticized search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); University of Virginia professorship proposed for search
- Cooper, Thomas (1759–1839); writings on clergy search
- Harris, Eleazar search
- Henry, Thomas Charlton search
- political economy; collegiate education in search
- Presbyterians; clergy search
- Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); and University of Virginia search
- Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); correspondence of search
- religion; and T. Cooper search
- religion; Calvinism search
- religion; Presbyterianism search
- schools and colleges; influence of clergy on search
- South Carolina; religion in search
- South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina); and University of Virginia search
- South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina); influence of clergy at search
- South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina); students at search
- South Carolina College (later University of South Carolina); trustees of search
- subscriptions, for publications; religious search
- Trist, Nicholas Philip; correspondence with M. J. Randolph search
- Virgil; T. Cooper quotes search
- Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and faculty recruitment search
- Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Rotunda (library) search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; opening of search
- Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; T. Cooper as proposed professor search
- Virginia, University of; Students; prospective students search
- Virginia; General Assembly search