John Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May 1823
From John Brockenbrough
Richmond 30th May 1823
From your well known patronage of the arts I take the liberty of asking some information concerning the construction of water-cisterns. Our arid climate & the difficulty of obtaining good well-water at my residence render a resort to this plan of domestic economy indispensible to the comfort of my family—I have hitherto had a wooden cistern made after the manner of the ordinary tan-vat, that has served my purpose completely, but it begins to decay near the surface of the ground, & I wish to substitute it with something more durable. I understand that you have cisterns of brick, lined with Roman cement, that are perfectly tight. From the failure of attempts in that way with us, I presume the defect must be in the workmanship, & you will confer a favor on me by taking the trouble to make me acquainted with the proper mode of constructing them to ensure success. For this intrusion on your time I can offer no sufficient apology— With very high respect
John Brockenbrough
RC (CSmH: JF); endorsed by TJ as received 3 June 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
Brockenbrough’s residence, built in 1818 and located on East Clay Street in Richmond, was occupied by Jefferson Davis during the Civil War and became known as the White House of the Confederacy (Calder Loth, ed., The Virginia Landmarks Register [4th ed., 1999], 447).
Index Entries
- Brockenbrough, John; and cisterns search
- Brockenbrough, John; letters from search
- Brockenbrough, John; Richmond home of search
- building materials; bricks search
- building materials; cement, Roman search
- cement; for cisterns search
- cement; Roman search
- cisterns; design of search
- wood; and cisterns search