Thomas Jefferson to Peter Birkman, 30 May 1823
To Peter Birkman
Monto May 30. 23.
I thank you, Sir, for your Chart of German grammar simplified, which I shall preserve for the use of our Univty whenever it shall be opened. this depending on future acts of our legislature, renders it indefinite in point of time. it has often been a subject of regret to me that I never learned the German language, now1 among the richest depositories of human2 science: I regret it particularly on the present3 occn as it disqualifies me from duly appreciating the value of this work. I pray you to accept my respectful salutns.
Dft (DLC); on verso of portion of reused address cover; at head of text: “mr Peter Birkman. Harrisburg”; endorsed by TJ.
1. TJ here canceled “the de.”
2. Word interlined.
3. Preceding four words interlined in place of “the more on this.”
Index Entries
- Birkman, Peter; letter to search
- Birkman, Peter; The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre search
- German language; books on grammar of search
- German language; TJ on study of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
- The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre (P. Birkman) search
- Virginia, University of; Books and Library; books and manuscripts for search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; opening of search