Thomas Jefferson Papers

Peter Birkman to Thomas Jefferson, 12 May 1823

From Peter Birkman

Harrisburg May 12th 1823


It is with feelings of respect due to the Man so dear to his country and so justly honoured by his fellow citizens, that a stranger, in that happy country, approaches to place in your hands, a work, composed in the U.S. which he hopes, will on examination be found in some degree useful.—

The German language is becomming of more importance in the U.S. in the same degree that, a knowledge of the Hebrew language is cultivated; the universities of Germany being destined, as it would seem, to supply the Seminaries of learning in America with Professors in that departement of literature.—

The end in view by forming the plan of this Grammar was: so to arrange, under one compass of the eye, the different parts of speech with their divisions and variations, together with the definitions and observations belonging to each, as to enable the student immediately (without the tedious twisting round of leaves in search of what he wishes to know) to find not only the variations; but also the arrangements &a of each word according to the German idiom; thus in looking for the variations of either a substantive, adjective or pronouns across the page, the dash at the end of the line will point to the further particulars relative to that word, with further directions to its syntax.—

I have also endeavoured to divide the syntax under such heads as are not only elementary in all languages, but also correspondent to the divisions of Etymology.—

If the plan of the accompanying treatise should recieve the approbation of those to whom are committed the management and supervision of the University of Virginia, I beg leave to say, that an improved edition will be prepared such as my local situation did not enable me to offer in the first instance

With sentiments of the most exalted respect

I am Sir, Your most humble and obedt Servt

Pt Birkman

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 27 May 1823 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Thomas Appleton, 22 Nov. 1823, on verso; addressed: “Mr Thoms Jefferson Esqe Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked Harrisburg, 14 May. Enclosure: Birkman, The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre (Harrisburg, 1823).

Peter Birkman (d. 1837), educator and grammarian, was born in Sweden. He served in the Swedish army and spent a few years in France before moving to the United States. By about 1820 Birkman was working as a teacher in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and regularly attending gatherings of a Swedenborgian sect. After completing his Simplified German Grammar in 1823, he went on to publish a Synopsis of Sciences and Arts, Arranged under the general Heads of Philosophy, History & Arts (Harrisburg, 1829). Between 1834 and 1836 Birkman moved to Saint Louis, Missouri, where he died (Samuel T. Wiley, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania [1891], 96; Reprint of the Early Journals of the General Convention of the New Jerusalem [1888–89], esp. part 3, p. 114; New Jerusalem Magazine 9 [1836]: 404; Carl Theophilus Odhner, Annals of The New Church [1904], 1:418).

Index Entries

  • Birkman, Peter; identified search
  • Birkman, Peter; letter from search
  • Birkman, Peter; The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre search
  • German language; books on grammar of search
  • German language; study of search
  • Germany; scholarship in search
  • Hebrew language; study of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • The Simplified German Grammar, or Die Bereinfachte Deutsche Sprachlehre (P. Birkman) search
  • Virginia, University of; Books and Library; books and manuscripts for search