William J. Coffee to Thomas Jefferson, 17 April 1823
From William J. Coffee
April 17th 23 New-York
Honbl Sir
You must not consider me importunate but If you Please consider my applycation in the following maner. Viz
I have at a considerable distancs from this Place made a contract which ought to have been fulfiled on the first of April (or to forfitt a sum of money).1 it is now2 the 17th day and I have not been able to comply, in consequencs I am not only likely to lose my forfeiture but also lose a very considerable advantageous contract.
The knowledge of this to your feeling mind I am confident will be Painfull, and on which accnt3 I am sorey to cause you the trouble of thinking on this subject. but as the matter stands I know of no other way then to perplex your goodness to see that Mr Brockinbrough do favour me with the Remitance as ⅌r my Bill, by the next Post, after you receve this troublesom espistol Sir your will bee Pleased to
W. J. Coffee
RC (DLC); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 24 Apr. 1823 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with FC of TJ to David Hoffman, 21 Dec. 1823, on verso; addressed: “To The Honbl Thoms Jefferson Monticello. State of Virginia”; franked; postmarked New York, 17 Apr.
1. Omitted closing parenthesis editorially supplied.
2. Manuscript: “mow.”
3. Manuscript: “acccnt.”