Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William C. Rives, 28 January 1823

To William C. Rives

Monticello Jan. 28. 23.

Dear Sir

In my letter of the 13th I expressed to you my great pleasure in the hope you were about taking up and improving the plan of the primary schools. in this I was sincere, being equally impressed with their importance as with that1 of the University. a letter however which I have just recieved from mr Cabell, explaining the present state of things, converts me to his opinion as to the question of the time when?2 and to the expediency of letting the primary schools lie awhile, of availing ourselves of the present state of discredit under which that plan is, and profiting of the current it produces towards the University.3 I believe with him that we had better secure our object first to the ultimate point of a remission of the debt, and perhaps a larger share of the literary fund, and then take up the primary schools heartily, & become ourselves their foremost patrons. I feel myself bound therefore to retract the opinion I had expressed to you of an immediate procedure to the establishment of the primary4 schools, and to pray5 you to dismiss any respect which your friendship might have disposed you to yield to that opinion. I believe we had better do one thing at a time; the University first, next the primary schools & lastly the intermediate colleges or academies. ever and affectionately yours

Th: Jefferson

RC (DLC: Rives Papers); addressed: “William C. Rives esq. of the Virginia legislature now in Richmond”; franked; postmarked; endorsed by Rives. Dft (DLC); on verso of portion of reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ. Not recorded in SJL.

1Reworked in Dft from “with the importance of these schools as of.”

2Reworked in Dft from “to the point of time.”

3Preceding three words interlined in Dft in place of “in our favor.”

4Word interlined in Dft in place of “public.”

5In Dft TJ here canceled “that that opn may.”

Index Entries

  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; and funding for University of Virginia search
  • education; elementary search
  • education; in Va. search
  • education; TJ on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; education search
  • Literary Fund; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Literary Fund; and primary education search
  • Rives, William Cabell; and establishment of University of Virginia search
  • Rives, William Cabell; as Va. legislator search
  • Rives, William Cabell; letters to search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; and remission of debt search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; opinions on search
  • Virginia; and education search