Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Robert Walsh, 21 December 1822

To Robert Walsh

Monto Dec. 21.1 22.

Dr Sir

Your favor of the 10th is just now recd having loitered by the way, and2 I shall with pleasure second your wishes with our board of public works3 for the appmt of your friend to the office of civil engineer. our Governor, who is it’s President, was chosen a few days ago4 while at Congress of which he was a member5 and I have not yet heard of his arrival in Richmd but, by our first mail 3. days hence6—I will lodge a letter there to be delivd on his arrival. having no personal acqce however with a single member of the board I fear I can add little to the weight of Majr Long’s own claims, but these I hope may suffice of themselves. in the mean time it furnishes me a welcome7 occn of proving my wishes to do what may be acceptable to you.

Our univty in which I know you are so good as to take an interest,8 is under check at present. all the buildings for the accomdn of the Professors9 & students are compleat. one only for a Library & other general purposes remains to be erected. it is expected to cost about 60.M.D. which sum our last legislature refused us. we have better hopes of the undstdg & liberality of that now sitting. the buildings are in a classical and chaste style of architecture, and the system, altho’ novel will10 when compleated I think meet approbn. our seminaries generally seem to be running medically mad, & threaten to saddle11 us with a doctor for every patient. this mania12 will not be ours. I consider anatomy & surgery indeed13 as geometry but medecine as one of the occult sciences. I reverence it’s experience as far as it goes, but regret it’s ever changing theories and the practices on human life hazarded under them.14 we shall endeavor to restore to the other sciences that birthright of respect which this bastard brat has usurped from them in our country15 and guide our youths into pursuits of less equivocal usefulness. I am gratified by this occasion of renewing to you the assurances of my continued esteem & respect16 in which our family desires to be joined


Dft (DLC); written on portion of reused address cover, with “near Richmond” in TJ’s hand; endorsed by TJ as a letter to “Walsh Robt j” of 21 Dec. 1822.

our governor: James Pleasants.

1Date interlined in place of “19.”

2Reworked from “10th was recd yesterday.”

3Preceding five words interlined in place of “the Exve of our state.”

4Preceding four words interlined.

5Preceding six words interlined.

6Preceding three words interlined in place of “(which will be the day after tomorrow).”

7Preceding two words interlined in place of “an.”

8TJ here canceled “goes on.”

9Manuscript: “Professsors.”

10Preceding three words interlined.

11Preceding two words interlined.

12Word interlined.

13Word interlined.

14Sentence interlined, with omitted period editorially supplied.

15Preceding three words interlined.

16TJ here canceled “as well as that of our family.”

Index Entries

  • anatomy; TJ on study of search
  • Congress, U.S.; members of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; medicine search
  • Long, Stephen Harriman; and Board of Public Works search
  • Long, Stephen Harriman; recommended by R. Walsh search
  • mathematics; geometry search
  • medicine; TJ on search
  • Pleasants, James; as governor of Va. search
  • surgery; TJ on study of search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; and classical architecture search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; building costs search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; progress of search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Rotunda (library) search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; proposed curriculum search
  • Virginia; Board of Public Works search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; governor search
  • Walsh, Robert; letters to search
  • Walsh, Robert; recommends S. H. Long search