Thomas Jefferson Papers

Martin Dawson’s Report on Central College and University of Virginia Accounts, 23 November 1822, document 7 in a group of documents on the Inspection and Settlement of the Accounts of Central College and University of Virginia, 23 November 1822

VII. Martin Dawson’s Report on Central College and University of Virginia Accounts

Agreeably to the instructions1 of the Visitors of the University of Virginia, I have made out a book of the transactions of the Central College: Also, a set of books of the transactions of the University of Virginia. The balance from the books of the Central College is carried into the books of the University of Virginia; from the face of

the2 last mentioned books, the money paid away, and contracted to be paid away, amounts to $226,161  61½
The credits on said books, viz:
Glebe lands, $3,104  09
President and directors of the Literary Fund, 170,054  00
Subscription to the Central College,3 $44,345  33
Deduct depending to collect from subscribers, *18,343  43½

26,001  89½

199,159  98½

$27,001  63
To meet this balance, there is depending to collect from the subscribers to the Central College, as above,* 18,343  43½
And in addition to this, other debts unpaid to creditors, 8,658  19½4


Milton, 23d November, 1822.

Printed in Report and Documents for 1822 description begins Report and Documents respecting the University of Virginia, Richmond, 1823, containing a 7 Oct. 1822 report by the Board of Visitors and supporting documents description ends , 26. MS (ViU: JHC); in an unidentified hand; undated; subjoined to Document 8 below, Dawson’s Balance Sheet for the University of Virginia, 23 Nov. 1822. Enclosed in TJ to James Pleasants, 23 Dec. 1822.

1MS: “resolution.”

2Report and Documents: “he.” MS: “the.”

3Line in MS to this point reads “Subscription Book A.”

4MS ends here.

Index Entries

  • Central College; and sale of glebe lands search
  • Central College; inspection and settlement of accounts of search
  • Central College; Martin Dawson’s Report on Central College and University of Virginia Accounts search
  • Central College; subscription for search
  • Dawson, Martin; as accountant for University of Virginia search
  • Literary Fund; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; accounts of search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; inspection and settlement of accounts of search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; Martin Dawson’s Report on Central College and University of Virginia Accounts search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and funds of University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; reviews financial accounts search