Thomas Jefferson to William Annesley, [20 November 1822]
To William Annesley
[20 Nov. 1822]
I duly recd the copy of your late pamphlet on shipbuilding, and your favor of the 11th is now at hand requesting ‘my jdmt on it as a means of bringing it into early & genl practice in the US.’ born & bred among the mountains, and scarcely knowing the head from the stern of a ship it would be great presumption in me to offer to my f.c. a jdmt on a subject on which they know that I must be so ignorant. you must then be so good, Sir, as to excuse my declining this, as indeed I do every other applicn for opns on any subject to be given to the public. with a body & mind in the wane of 80.y. retiremt is equally my duty & wish. your applicn to the Comrs of the navy places the1 proposn before it’s proper judges & those within whose province it will be to give effect to your invention if approved.
with this apology accept my wishes for it’s success & the assurance of my respect.
FC (DLC: TJ Papers, 223:39818); on verso of bottom half of reused address cover of Patrick Gibson to TJ, 27 Aug. 1821; in TJ’s hand; undated; endorsed by TJ: “Annesley Wm Albany Nov. 20. 22.”
f.c.: “fellow citizens.”
1. TJ here canceled “thing.”
Index Entries
- A New System of Naval Architecture (W. Annesley) search
- Annesley, William; A New System of Naval Architecture search
- Annesley, William; as naval architect search
- Annesley, William; letters to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
- Navy Department, U.S.; and W. Annesley’s shipbuilding techinques search