Thomas Jefferson Papers

George Hadfield to Thomas Jefferson, 22 September 1822

From George Hadfield

Washington Sepr 22, 1822.


I had the honor to receive your letter of the 10, instant, and am greatly indebted to you Sir, for your kindness in sending me the enclosed from my sister, and also for the one in Sepr last.

I avail myself of your kind offer and enclose a letter for Lodi: and am much obliged to you Sir, for the wish you express to inform my Sister that I am in good health and doing well: the former thanks to providince, I enjoy, as to the latter I cannot say much; there is here a stagnation in the building line, owing to the scarsity of money, that is very injureous both to Architects and mechanics, I have for two preceding seasons been occupied in the building of the City Hall, the south half of the general plan of which has been raised to its full height and covered with slate, and the west part of it, containing the offices of the Corporation, finished and occupied by that body since June last, the progress of this building is suspended for the present until fund[s] arising from the lottery or other sources, can be obtained. be pleased to accept my good wishes for a long continuance of your health and happiness.

Geo, Hadfield

RC (DLC); edge chipped; at foot of text: “Mr Th, Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 26 Sept. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

For TJ’s letter to Hadfield of sepr last, see note to Maria Cosway to TJ, 15 July 1821.

Construction of Washington’s city hall began in 1820 but was not completed until 1849. Hadfield was the principal architect of the structure after winning a contest sponsored by the city council. A portion of its plan may derive from a design by Robert Mills (ANB description begins John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, eds., American National Biography, 1999, 24 vols. description ends ; National Capital Planning Commission, Downtown Urban Renewal Area Landmarks, Washington D.C. [1970], 21–2; George Hunsberger, “The Architectural Career of George Hadfield,” Records of the Columbia Historical Society 51/52 [1951/52]: 63).

Index Entries

  • building materials; slate search
  • Cosway, Maria Louisa Catherine Cecilia Hadfield (Richard Cosway’s wife); family of search
  • Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother); as architect search
  • Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother); family of search
  • Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother); health of search
  • Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother); letter from search
  • Hadfield, George (Maria Cosway’s brother); letter to accounted for search
  • lotteries; for Washington, D.C. search
  • Mills, Robert; architectural designs of search
  • slate search
  • Washington, D.C.; City Hall search
  • Washington, D.C.; economy in search