Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Ritchie, 6 August 1822

To Thomas Ritchie

Monticello Aug. 6. 22.

Dear Sir

If you have on hand any more of the Reports of the Commrs of Rockfish gap on the subject of the Univty I will thank you for half a dozen. repeated applicns to me from other states for the scheme of educn proposed for our Univty I generally answer by a copy of that. I take for granted you present your acct for these things with that of the Enquirer to Colo Peyton for payment at the periods which suit you. I would be obliged to you to send me also copies of the sessions acts of our legisl. subsequent to that of 1815.16. that is to say of the last 6. sessions, and should be glad to be set down as an annual subscriber for them.1 if you have any number of the Rockfish reports remaining they would sell very rapidly if deposited at the Univty, as every body almost who comes to see it, asks for the plan of it. the ground plan (as communicated to the last legislature) is in the hands of the Engraver, and will soon be for sale at the Univty to those who visit it. I salute you with constant friendship & respect


FC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Francis Adrian Van der Kemp to TJ, 12 Mar. 1821; entirely in TJ’s hand; at foot of text: “Mr Ritchie”; endorsed by TJ.

The engraver was Peter Maverick.

1Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Rockfish Gap Report of the University of Virginia Commissioners search
  • Maverick, Peter; and University of Virginia ground plan search
  • newspapers; subscriptions to, by TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Proceedings and Report of the Commissioners for the University of Virginia (Thomas Jefferson); copies of requested search
  • Proceedings and Report of the Commissioners for the University of Virginia (Thomas Jefferson); distributed by TJ search
  • Richmond Enquirer (newspaper); TJ subscribes to search
  • Ritchie, Thomas; and University of Virginia search
  • Ritchie, Thomas; and works for TJ search
  • Ritchie, Thomas; letters to search
  • subscriptions, for publications; legal search
  • subscriptions, for publications; newspapers search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; ground plan of search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; commissioners’ report search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; laws of search