Thomas Jefferson to Francis Eppes, 12 June 1822
To Francis Eppes
Monticello June 12. 22.
Dear Francis
I recieved while at Poplar Forest your’s of May 13. and am glad to learn that you find Coke Lit. not as difficult as you expected. the methodical arrangement of his work and the new notes and cases have certainly been a great improvement. according to your information I have retained in my hands enough to import for you this edition of Coke Lit. & Bacon’s abridgment. the present high exchange, our enormous duties and other charges bring them very high. still I observe the Bacon will come at 45.89 D which is 4.D. less than the American price. the Coke Littleton being a new publication comes to 10.D. a vol. of which more than 1.D. a volume is our own duty. at the close of your reading of the 1st vol. we shall hope to see you. I suppose you ha[ve] heard that the Trists have lost their mother.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Thomas Appleton to TJ, 10 Oct. 1820; mutilated at seal; at foot of text: “F. Eppes”; endorsed by TJ.
the trists have lost their mother: Mary Trist Jones Tournillon, the mother of Nicholas P. Trist and Hore Browse Trist, died at her Louisiana home on 26 Apr. 1822 (Nicholas P. Trist to Virginia J. Randolph [Trist], 5 May [1822] [NcU: NPT]).
Index Entries
- A New Abridgment of the Law (M. Bacon) search
- A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke’s First Institute of the Laws of England (J. H. Thomas) search
- Bacon, Matthew; A New Abridgment of the Law search
- Coke, Sir Edward; A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke’s First Institute of the Laws of England (J. H. Thomas) search
- Coke, Sir Edward; The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or a Commentary upon Littleton search
- Eppes, Francis Wayles (TJ’s grandson); and legal education search
- Eppes, Francis Wayles (TJ’s grandson); letters to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with grandchildren search
- law; books on search
- taxes; customs search
- The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England: or a Commentary upon Littleton (E. Coke) search
- Thomas, John Henry; A Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke’s First Institute of the Laws of England search
- Tournillon, Mary Louisa Brown Trist Jones (wife successively of Hore Browse Trist [1775–1804], Philip Livingston Jones, and Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon); death of search
- Trist, Hore Browse (1802–56); and mother’s death search
- Trist, Nicholas Philip; and mother’s death search