Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Robertson, 7 June 1822

To Archibald Robertson

Monticello June 7. 22.

Dear Sir

I promised Robert Millar and   Bocock, my overseers of the last year to pay them through you, to the former 34.D. & to the latter 32.D. for which I now inclose you an order on Colo B. Peyton for 66. dollars. they will call on you soon after your reciept of this. I salute you with friendship and respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Bernard Peyton to TJ, 19 Feb. 1821; at foot of text: “Mr A. Robertson”; endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL with additional bracketed notation: “66.D. for Millar & Bococke.” Enclosure not found.

Index Entries

  • Bocock (Bococke; Bowcock), Mr. (overseer); TJ pays search
  • Miller, Robert (overseer); TJ pays search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); Overseers at; wages for search
  • Robertson, Archibald; and payments for TJ search
  • Robertson, Archibald; letters to search