Thomas Jefferson to John Laval, 5 June 1822
To John Laval
Monticello June 5. 22.
Dear Sir
I wrote to you on the 26th of Apr. requesting you to send me the Herodotus 3. v. Thucydides 2. v. Xenophon 5. v. & Plutarch 6. v. of the same format in 16s with the Dion Cassius formerly sent me. the letter may have miscarried, or the books may have been sold. a line of information, to settle my expectations will be recieved as a favor. in the mean time accept my salutations of esteem and respect.
Th: Jefferson
RC (PPAmP: DCAR, Sol Feinstone Collection); at foot of text: “Mr John Laval.” PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; with notation by TJ at foot of text regarding his letter to Laval of 6 June 1822 (one word editorially corrected): “June 5. I recd his lre of May 11. and in[s]tantly wrote him that it rendd unnecessary any answer to the above”; endorsed by TJ.
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