Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Philip I. Barziza, 8 February 1822

To Philip I. Barziza

Monticello Feb. 8. 22.

Dear Sir

I recieved yesterday your favor of the 2d and should be very glad to bear witness to any truth which might establish your just claim to the property of your grandmother in this country. but I know nothing of any visit of your grandfather to it before the revolution, and unless you have very positive proof I should doubt it, because I was much in Williamsburg about that time. I should still much more doubt your grandmother’s having ever been here from the time she left us with her father about 1750. until her final return after the revolution. accept my friendly and respectful salutations.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of portion of a reused address cover from James Madison to TJ; at foot of text: “Mr Philip I. Barziza”; endorsed by TJ.

Lucy Ludwell Paradise moved from Williamsburg to London in 1760, not about 1750 (William Meade, Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia [1857], 2:139).

Index Entries

  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; letters to search
  • Ludwell, Philip; family of search
  • Paradise, John; American sojourn of search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); estate of search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); residence in America of search