Thomas Jefferson Papers

Philip I. Barziza to Thomas Jefferson, 2 February 1822

From Philip I. Barziza

Williamsburg Febry 2d 1822—

Honb Sir

May I once more intrude on your kindness, and friendship,1 to ask for some information, which I am induced to believe will be usefull in the settlement of my affairs in this country, which have been so Long protracted.

I believe from circumstances, which have recently came to Light, that my mother was a native born citizen of Virginia, or of some one of the United States. My Grand father I am informed came to this Country about the year 1771; and remained here perhaps until the year 1774, or 1775. My mother was married in 1787; at 15; my wish is to ascertain this fact; and from your intimacy with the family, and my Grand Father I am induced to hope that your memory, or some Letter, or document in your possession will enable you to give me some informations on the subject. If I can ascertain that they were here in the year 1772 it would be evident that my mother was born here. I could find no evidence of her birth in England; while the Register of the birth of her Sister is found there and all other Circumstances necessary to be recordid concerning the family; and Doctr Bancroft informed me that he was under the belief that my mother was a native of this Country.

I trust, Sir, the natural claims which I have to the property of my Grand Mother; will be a sufficient excuse for the trouble I now give you.

With my most sincere good2 wishes for a continuation of health, and happiness, I remain with regard, and Esteem

Dr Sir your Most Ob3 Servant

Philip I. Barziza

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “To the honble Thomas Jefferson Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 7 Feb. 1822 and so recorded in SJL.

For Barziza’s failed efforts to inherit the property of his grand mother Lucy Ludwell Paradise, see Edward Bancroft to TJ, 5 Sept. 1815, and note.

1Manuscript: “friendish.”

2Manuscript: “goood.”

3Manuscript: “Obb Ob.”

Index Entries

  • Bancroft, Edward; and L. P. Barziza search
  • Barziza, Lucy Paradise, Countess (Antonio Barziza’s wife; John and Lucy L. Paradise’s daughter); birthplace of search
  • Barziza, Lucy Paradise, Countess (Antonio Barziza’s wife; John and Lucy L. Paradise’s daughter); family of search
  • Barziza, Lucy Paradise, Countess (Antonio Barziza’s wife; John and Lucy L. Paradise’s daughter); marriage of search
  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; and L. L. Paradise estate search
  • Barziza, Philip Ignatius; letters from search
  • Paradise, John; American sojourn of search
  • Paradise, Lucy Ludwell (John Paradise’s wife); estate of search