Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 1 February 1822

To Thomas Mann Randolph

Monticello Feb. 1. 22.

Dear Sir

Your favor of Jan. 26. did not get to hand till yesterday. my memory is so much in default on the subject of your enquiry that I do not believe I can recollect a single fact not known to yourself or those on the spot whom you have probably consulted. the act of 1779. for the removal of the seat of government provided that 6. squares should be located by the 5. directors of the public buildings1 whom they appointed June 24.2 79. that these should be valued by a writ of A.Q.D. on the return of which the grounds located should become vested in the public in absolute dominion. they were also to lay off 200. additional lots for the city. this was done in 1780. or 81. I furnished the Directors myself with the plan of locations and of the additional lots with the alphabetical and numerical names of the streets, and as they were ordered to return a plan and report with the A.Q.D. to the court of Henrico, there is not a doubt it was done, and that, as Governor, I communicated a duplicate of the plan to the assembly. as mr Beckley got off the papers of the H. of D. before Arnold reached the city, it is probable that copy may be yet safe. if both are lost, there are 3. persons still living who I think can supply evidence. 1. Doctr Turpin the principal proprietor whose property was taken. 2. Wm Hay who acted as a Comnr from the beginning of the buildings to their completion. 3. Parson Buchanan, an antient inhabitant of the place and whose brother James was one of the Directors first chosen. you mention Gunn’s lots as among those located; I do not remember that, but I well remember Turpin’s & Marsden’s.—but should not this enquiry into title, which is merely a legal one, be referred to the A. Gl? if the testimony of record fails, the supplementory testimony of possession, general fame & notoriety Etc Etc would be proper matter of discussion for him.

In mine of Jan. 6. I inclosed you my bond as Rector for 30,900. D. which I hope you recieved safely. our workmen are under pressing wants.—I hope that some means will be found of at least3 suspending the payment of interest for 4. or 5. years, which would enable us to compleat the Library. it would be much to be lamented should our workmen disperse; we should not again be able to collect so excellent a set.

The family is all well; but as they give you in their own letters more particular information I will only add4 assurances of my sincere and affectionate attachment and respect.5

Th: Jefferson

RC (DLC); addressed: “Governor Randolph Richmond”; franked; postmarked Milton, 2 Feb.; endorsed by Randolph as received 10 Feb. PoC (DLC); on reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ. Tr (Vi: RG 3, Governor’s Office, Letterbooks).

On 24 June 1779 the Virginia General Assembly appointed Turner Southall, Archibald Cary, Robert Goode, James Buchanan, and Robert Carter Nicholas to be the 5. directors of the public buildings at Richmond (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [May–June 1779 sess.], 72). A writ of ad quod damnum (writ of a.q.d.) directs “the sheriff to inquire of jurors under oath to what damage a grant (as of a fair, market, liberty, or other franchise) would be to various people” if a court made it (Black’s Law Dictionary description begins Bryan A. Garner and others, eds., Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th ed., 1999 description ends ).

On 12 June 1780 the General Assembly passed “An Act for locating the Publick Squares, to enlarge the Town of Richmond, and for other purposes.” The statute added TJ and three other directors to the original five and instructed them to lay off 200. additional lots (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [May–July 1780 sess.], 44; Acts of Assembly description begins Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (cited by session; title varies over time) description ends [May–July 1780 sess.], 40). John James Beckley was clerk of the Virginia House of Delegates (h. of d.), 1779–88 (Leonard, General Assembly description begins Cynthia Miller Leonard, comp., The General Assembly of Virginia, July 30, 1619–January 11, 1978: A Bicentennial Register of Members, 1978 description ends , xvi).

Randolph reported to the General Assembly on 28 Feb. 1822 that, after an initial search had determined “that all testimony of record had completely failed” and when he was just about to apply to the attorney general (a. gl) “to provide all the supplementary testimony of possession, general fame and notoriety, which the case might admit,” the deputy clerk of the Richmond City Court had discovered, “among some long neglected and abandoned papers in that office, to which they had been by mistake returned,” twenty-three writs issued by the Henrico County Court. Based on these papers Randolph concluded that “no doubt now remains, that the right and property of the lawful owners and tenants of all the lots of land, and other land in question, has been legally divested and transferred to the commonwealth, in full and absolute dominion, want of consent or disability to consent, in the parties concerned, notwithstanding: and the several sums at which the rights of the said owners and tenants were valued, have been paid by the treasurer, on warrant from the auditors of that period” (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia description ends [1821–22 sess.], 207).

1Preceding four words not in Tr.

2Tr: “June 22.”

3Preceding two words interlined.

4Paragraph to this point in Tr replaced with “With.”

5Tr here adds “I remain Yr.”

Index Entries

  • An Act for locating the Publick Squares, to enlarge the Town of Richmond, and for other purposes (1780) search
  • An Act for the removal of the Seat of Government (1779) search
  • Arnold, Benedict; Va. invasion of search
  • Beckley, John James; as clerk of Va. House of Delegates search
  • Buchanan, James; as director of public buildings in Richmond search
  • Buchanan, James; family of search
  • Buchanan, John; and Va. Capitol Square search
  • Cary, Archibald; as director of public buildings in Richmond search
  • Goode, Robert; as director of public buildings in Richmond search
  • Gunn, John; Richmond lots of search
  • Hay, William (1748–1825) search
  • Henrico County, Va.; and Capitol Square search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; as a director for locating public buildings in Richmond search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; as governor of Va. search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Bill for the Removal of the Seat of Government of Virginia search
  • Literary Fund; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Marsden, James; and Va. Capitol Square search
  • Nicholas, Robert Carter (1729–80); as director of public buildings in Richmond search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as governor of Va. search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); letters to search
  • Richmond, Va.; British destroy public records in search
  • Richmond, Va.; Capitol Square in search
  • Richmond, Va.; TJ as a director for locating public buildings in search
  • Southall, Turner; as director of public buildings in Richmond search
  • Turpin, Philip; and Va. Capitol Square search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Rotunda (library) search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; wages for workmen search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; House of Delegates search