Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Mann Randolph to Thomas Jefferson, 31 January 1822

From Thomas Mann Randolph

January 31. 1822.

Dear Sir,

We have not had a meeting of the Board of the Literary Fund untill today. I have succeeded in geting a resolution passed which renders the completion of the loan very certain as soon as the Bond which is now returned can be again transmitted to this place with the Blanks in it filled as is required. It is understood that orders may accompany the Bond if circumstances should require it, as the money will be transferred at Bank immediately.

Mr Cabell has informed me today, that Mr Johnson has suggested, and they are maturing, a plan for releasing the annuity of the University by requiring by law the P. & Drs of the L. Fund to apply all the moneys they may receive hereafter to the discharge of the Bonds given by the University, provided the income of the Fund be not thereby reduced. This will have the effect of increasing the annuity leaving the Bonds uncancelled, which could not be obtained, even if the income allowed of it, from this Legislature. It will be an object to interest the University in the claims on the United states. The Bill will probably be lost, notwithstanding, in the House of Delegates, but will be sent back from the Senate attached to the new appropriation of the derelict school portions of the 45,000$ annuity.1

very sincerely & affectionately

Th M Randolph

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thos Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as received 3 Feb. 1822 from Richmond and so recorded in SJL; with Dft of TJ to Randolph, 3 Feb. 1822, beneath endorsement. Enclosure: enclosure to TJ to Randolph, 6 Jan. 1822.

At its 31 Jan. 1822 meeting the president and directors of the Literary Fund passed a resolution “that the sum of Thirty thousand nine hundred dollars be loaned to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly passed the 24th day of February last intitled ‘An act concerning the University of Virginia’ upon the said Rector and Visitors entering into bond according to Law to carry interest from the 5th day of February 1822, on the production of which bond, the President of this board is authorised and requested to direct a warrant to be issued for the amount thereof on the publick Treasury, in favor of the said Rector & Visitors” (MS in Vi: RG 27, Virginia Literary Fund Minute Book, in Literary Fund accountant James Brown’s hand, at head of page and applying to this resolution: “At a meeting of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund held in the Council Chamber of the Capitol on Thursday the 31st day of Jany 1822,” with the president identified as Randolph by his signature on following page; Tr in DLC: TJ Papers, 221:39538, written entirely in Brown’s hand on a small scrap and signed by him; undated).

1Manuscript: “annuty.”

Index Entries

  • An act concerning the University of Virginia (1821) search
  • Brown, James (1780–1859); as Va. Literary Fund accountant search
  • Cabell, Joseph Carrington; as Va. state senator search
  • Johnson, Chapman; as Va. state senator search
  • Literary Fund; and annuity for University of Virginia search
  • Literary Fund; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Literary Fund; and U.S. debt to Va. search
  • Literary Fund; resolutions of the president and directors search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as Literary Fund president search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); letters from search
  • United States; debt to Va. search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; House of Delegates search
  • Virginia; Senate of search