Thomas Jefferson Papers

Frederick A. Mayo to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December 1821

From Frederick A. Mayo

Richmond the 7. Dec: 1821—

Hono: Sir

I hereby take the liberty of forwarding my Acount and I should be verry thankfull of receving a answer to the letter of Octover last, of which your honour made mention in your last letter;

Remain Your humble Servant

Frederick A Mayo

RC (MHi); on a sheet folded to form four pages, with letter on p. 1, endorsement on p. 2, enclosure on p. 3, and address on p. 4; addressed: “The Hon: Tho: Jefferson Mounticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 7 Dec.; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Dec. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with F. A. Mayo search
  • Mayo, Frederick August; letters from search
  • Mayo, Frederick August; TJ’s account with search