Frederick A. Mayo to Thomas Jefferson, 29 October 1821
From Frederick A. Mayo
Richmond the 29. Oct 1821—
Hono: Sir
About three weeks ago, I delivered according to Order, the books to Capt Peyton, and haveing since been informed of their beeing forwarded—The long and disdressing sickness of my family, has been the cause of this unreasonable delay—The late Edition of Hennigs Justice, which I received for your honour, from the Auther1 has also been shamfully neglected to be send on, but shall cartaintly go by the first chance, I hear off—Hope sincerely those forwarded may be to yours honours satisfaction.—Haveing been lately informed, and indeed by some of my profession, that a good Bindry Establishment is much wanting in the City of Washington, particular for the use of Public Work: I take the liberty to asks your honour Should I intent commenceing there, if I could be so much favourd as to expect a letter of recomandation to the heads of the different departments at Washington—As it respects Blank Work, I have little doubt, I could give satisfaction to the Offices of Goverment; [par]ticular as I hear from Workman acquainted there, that [. . .] part of the buisness is done at Washington, in a verry loosse and indifferent manner, and actually state that I would have considerable prospect of obtaining the Public Work, where I to do work there in the manner we do here Blank Books in generaly: this cartaintly would be a great help in my present Situation—Should be verry thankfull, if I could have a chance of ruling & binding a Super Royal Blank Book for the Capital of Washington—Your honour will have the goodness to favour me with your advice and directions respecting this circumstance, and if agreeable to your wish, I shall do the best I can
Frederick A Mayo
NB. As soone I find, that your honour has Receivd the books, I shall forward my Acount according to request
RC (MHi); mutilated at seal; adjacent to signature: “The Hono: Tho: Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Nov. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.
The late edition of hennigs justice was William W. The New Virginia Justice, comprising the Office and Authority of a Justice of the Peace, in the Commonwealth of Virginia (3d ed.; Richmond, 1820; , 10 [no. 581]; for an earlier edition, see no. 1971). A super royal sheet of paper measures 19–21 by 27–28 inches ( ).
1. Preceding three words interlined.
Index Entries
- books; binding of search
- books; binding of for TJ search
- Hening, William Waller; The New Virginia Justice search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; binding of books search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with F. A. Mayo search
- Mayo, Frederick August; binds books for TJ search
- Mayo, Frederick August; family of search
- Mayo, Frederick August; letters from search
- Mayo, Frederick August; seeks recommendation search
- Mayo, Frederick August; TJ’s account with search
- stationery; blank books search
- The New Virginia Justice (W. W. Hening) search
- Washington, D.C.; bookbinding in search