Thomas Jefferson Papers

Frederick W. Hatch to Thomas Jefferson, 1 November 1821

From Frederick W. Hatch

Charlottseville, Nov 1st 1821—

Dear Sir—

As your Servant departed immediately after delivering the books which you were so good as to have bound for me, the opportunity of acknowledging the receipt of them thro’ him was lost.—I therefore improve the earliest moment since, to return you my sincere thanks for yr politeness & attention, with ye equally sincere assurance of the high additional value wh I set upon them from ye source thro’ wh they have been so much improv’d, My1 engagements will not allow me the pleasure of expressing2 these acknowledgments personally & make my apology for adopting ye present mode. Be so good therefore as to accept them, with ye assurance of ye deep sense I entertain of yr uniform politeness & friendship. Wishing you ye best blessings for time & for eternity

I am Dear Sir Affecty Yours—

F W Hatch

RC (MHi); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticelli”; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Nov. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

1Hatch here canceled “present.”

2Manuscript: “expessing.”

Index Entries

  • books; binding of search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; books bound for search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; letters from search
  • slaves; errands by search