Thomas Jefferson Papers

Frederick W. Hatch to Thomas Jefferson, [received 10 September 1821]

From Frederick W. Hatch

[received 10 Sept. 1821]

Dear Sir—

Dr Horwitz & myself will do ourselves the pleasure to wait on you tomorrow.—

I send you by Lewis another Vol. of the 70—in which you will find more of the Art. wh you want, & to which you are very welcome.—

The boys are good boys, & I feel attach’d to them, but the arrangement you propose, will conduce not only to their satisfaction but to their greater improvement—especially as I am situated at present.—

For your friendly sentiments & good wishes, I thank you, & I shall ever remain Affectionately Yours

F W Hatch.

RC (MHi); undated; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Hatch revd mr” received 10 Sept. Recorded in SJL as received 10 Sept. 1821.

lewis: TJ’s grandson Meriwether Lewis Randolph.

Index Entries

  • Grabe, John Ernest; editsSeptuaginta Interpretum search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; and books for TJ search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; and education of TJ’s grandsons search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; letters from search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; visits Monticello search
  • Horwitz, Jonas; visits Monticello search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Hatch, Frederick W. search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Horwitz, Jonas search
  • Randolph, Benjamin Franklin (TJ’s grandson); education of search
  • Randolph, Meriwether Lewis (TJ’s grandson); delivers goods search
  • Randolph, Meriwether Lewis (TJ’s grandson); education of search
  • Septuaginta Interpretum (ed. J. E. Grabe) search