Thomas Jefferson Papers

Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, [25] September [1821]

From Arthur S. Brockenbrough

University Va Sept 2 [25 Sept. 1821]

Dear Sir,

Mr Antrim informs me his situation is such that he will not be able to carry on the plastering here unless he can get some money—from the nature of our contract I can’t ascertain precisely the amount due him, but suppose a thousand or twelve hundred dollars will fall short of the actual1 sum due, and which may be paid him with2 perfect safety—from the numerous claims against the institution, he was not able to get what he wanted out of the last money deposited to the credit of the bursar—he has been paid a little upwards of $3000 & amt of work at present will amt to between 5 & $6000—his wish is to obtain a check in his favor to the bursar for the above $1000. or $1200—that he may get it without delay—the price of plastering here is governed by the price of3 the same kind of work in Philadelphia at the time the contract was made, we have writen on to get the price at that time but as yet have not been able to obtain it—

I fear if you postpone your trip to Bedford untill Mr Oldhams work is measured it will be some days delayed—I twice applied to him last week to go on with the measurement of it, his excuse was indisposition not able to attend to it—I can furnish in a few days an estimate of the cost of Pav: 3 & 7 the buildings first undertaken and of the Pavilions 5, 9, 2 & 4 from the average of which we can form a tolerably accurate estimate of the other four Pavilions—I have measured Hotel B and can give you the cost of that, which I consider the most expencive one of all—an estimate of the dormitories also will be furnished—Mr Oldham has just informed me he can proceed with the Measurement to day—the settlement of his bill will take at least a week, if I proceed in the measurement of his work it will delay the report on the other buildings much longer perhaps than you would wish to be detained—I shall therefore go on & make out the cost of those actually measure[d] & Bills settled, taking the average cost of four of them for the other four   I am Sir   respectfully your

Obt sevt

A. S. Brockenbrough

RC (CSmH: JF); misdated; edge trimmed; endorsed by TJ as a letter (brackets in original) of “Sep. 2 [i.e. Sep. 25. 21]” received 25 Sept. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

Joseph antrim and Brockenbrough signed a contract on 22 Mar. 1820 stipulating that Antrim was “to do all the plastering, rough casting &c.” for the University of Virginia “in a masterly manner & as fast as may be reasonably required”; that the rate of his pay was “to be assertained by what two of the most respectable members of the Master plasterers society of Philadelphia shall say is the customary & a fair price at this time in that place”; and that the work was to be measured as specified in “the Master plasterers price book of Phila:” (FC in ViU: PP; entirely in Brockenbrough’s hand).

On 26 Sept. 1821 Antrim received $1,500 from Alexander Garrett, the University of Virginia’s bursar (Garrett’s Account with the University of Virginia, 27 Nov. 1821, printed below as enclosure no. 2 of University of Virginia Board of Visitors Report to Literary Fund President and Directors, 30 Nov. 1821). The university building that Brockenbrough describes here as hotel b was later redesignated as Hotel D.

1Manuscript: “accual.”

2Manuscript: “with with.”

3Manuscript: “if.”

Index Entries

  • Antrim, Joseph; and plastering at Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; letters from search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
  • Oldham, James; as builder for University of Virginia search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; building costs search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; dormitory rooms search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Hotel D search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion II search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion III search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion IV search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion IX search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion V search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion VII search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; plasterers search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; wages for workmen search