Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 28 October 1820
To Bernard Peyton
Monticello Oct. 28.1 20
Dear Sir
Since mine of the 23d I have drawn as follows in favor of Alexr Garrett 217.29 and John Watson—72.76 and I have still two more to make, to wit for Joel Wolfe from 100. to 150.D. and in favor of E. Garland for 800.D.
Will you be so good as to send by the boats about 15 or 20. gallons of linseed oil. as it is apt to leak in a cask you will judge whether it is better or not to have it in jugs. I must also get you to send me stuff for the boulting cloth of a country mill, to wit 2. yds of No 3. 4 yds of No 52 and 6 yds of No 7. I presume it is to be had in Richmond and if a good judge can be got to chuse it perhaps it may be well. this had better come by a trusty waggoner to mr Lietch. I expect to set out for Bedford on the 8th of Nov. and shall make a considerable stay there. affectionately yours.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; two numbers rewritten by TJ for clarity; at foot of text: “Capt Peyton”; endorsed by TJ.
TJ recorded drawing on Peyton for $217.29 in favor of Alexander garrett on 24 Oct. 1820. This payment covered a $50.67 balance of TJ’s assumpsit for Peter Laporte and the Central College–University of Virginia subscription installments of Joel Yancey, John Rogers, and Hugh Holmes of $50, $50.62, and $60, respectively. TJ’s 27 Oct. 1820 draft on Peyton in favor of john watson for $72.76 paid for Youen Carden’s order on TJ for $59.38, plus an additional $2 in interest, and TJ’s store account of $11.38 ( , 2:1370). e. garland: Samuel Garland.
1. Reworked from “20.”
2. Reworked from “6.”
Index Entries
- A. Robertson & Company (firm); TJ’s debt to search
- boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
- Carden, Youen; TJ pays search
- Central College; subscription for search
- flour; bolting cloth for search
- Garland, Samuel; and TJ’s debt to A. Robertson & Company search
- Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
- Holmes, Hugh; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
- household articles; linseed oil search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to A. Robertson & Company search
- Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband); TJ’s debt to search
- Leitch, James; and packages for TJ search
- linseed oil search
- mills; bolting cloth for search
- oil; linseed search
- Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; letters to search
- Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search
- Rogers, John (of Albemarle Co.); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
- textiles; for bolting search
- Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search
- wagons; transport goods to and from Richmond search
- Watson, John (1760–1841); TJ’s debt to search
- Wolfe, Joel; TJ pays search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search