Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Mann Randolph to Thomas Jefferson, 12 October 1820

From Thomas Mann Randolph

Richmond Oct. 12. 1820

Dear Sir,

I received your letter with the papers of the Literary Board again at 10 A.M. today. Hoping to hear from home I sent to the P. office yesterday evening, but they would not open the Mail untill a late hour today, as the Messenger of the Executive reported to me when he returned.

The Bond you desire is inclosed, Mr Munford having this instant waited on me with it. The Blank being filled with October 1st may appear strange. The Directors1 contemplated in the spring to make a farther payment on that day in full of their Loan to the University, and Mr M. and myself concluded it to be safest to insert the day which had been spoken of. When Mr Munford put into my hands the Resolution on this subject which I gave you, I was much surprized that I had no recollection of the occurrence. In fact there never was such a Resolution upon the Journal, or ever adopted, and instantly rescinded. I had moved the subject, from zeal, which inclined me to keep the remainder of the Loan constantly in view of the Board. That resolution was sketched by Mr M. in consequence, and the [1]st day of June some how got into it instead of 1st October. but it was never even proposed to the Board, the first general agreement with the University being quite sufficient.

I expect to leave this on Saturday for Albemarle the public business admitting of my absence for part of a Week at this time. I must come away again by the 18th2 inst.

your most obedt St.

Th M Randolph

RC (ViU: TJP); one number illegible; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Oct. 1820 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to David Hosack, 11 May 1821, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 12 Oct. Enclosure not found.

1Manuscript: “Diretors.”

2Reworked from “17th.”

Index Entries

  • Literary Fund; and loans for University of Virginia search
  • Munford, William; clerk of Va. Literary Fund search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as governor of Va. search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as Literary Fund president search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); letters from search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search