Draft Resolution of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, [after 1 May 1820], with Jefferson’s Note, 30 July 1820
Draft Resolution of the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, with Jefferson’s Note
[after 1 May 1820]
The President laid before the Board a Letter from Thomas Jefferson Rector of the University of Va, dated the 1st instant, requesting to be informed of the determination of the Board concerning a loan from the Literary Fund to the Rector & Visitors of the said University of the remaining sum of twenty thousand dollars which they were authorized by law to borrow; which letter being considered,
Resolved, that the President inform the said Rector & Visitors, that the said sum of twenty thousand dollars will be loaned to them from the Literary fund, provided the same be applied for on or before the first day of June next, upon the same terms upon which the loan of forty thousand dollars has already been made to the said Rector & Visitors from the Literary fund; and that a Warrant will be directed to be issued on the Treasurer, for the said sum of twenty thousand dollars, in favour of the Bursar of the said University, as soon as a Bond, for payment of the interest & principal thereof, shall have been executed, in the same manner & form as the Bond for forty thousand dollars as aforesaid was executed; and approved by the Board.—
[Note by TJ on verso:]
recd July 30. 20. with information that it will be more convent for the Treasury not to call for the money till November.1
this resoln it seems was never passed.
MS (ViU: TJP); in William Munford’s hand, with note by TJ; undated; docketed by Literary Fund president Thomas Mann Randolph: “Copy Resolution of the Literary Board last installment of Loan to the University.”
TJ’s conclusion that this resolution never passed is supported by its absence from the Literary Fund Minute Book.
1. Remainder of text added by TJ in a different ink, apparently at a later date.
Index Entries
- Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
- Literary Fund; and loan for University of Virginia search
- Literary Fund; resolutions of the president and directors search
- Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as Literary Fund president search
- Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and loans for University of Virginia search
- Virginia; treasurer of search
- Virginia; treasury of search