Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Steptoe to Thomas Jefferson, 25 August 1819

From James Steptoe

Aug. 25. 1819

Dear Sir,

I intend to set off for Nelson tomorrow, and expect to be from Home about a week; but before I go, I should be glad to hear that you are well—that pleasure I hope to have by the return of the Servant.


J. Steptoe

P.S. I suppose you have seen Mad. de Staels Considerations

RC (MHi); dateline beneath signature; postscript adjacent to signature and dateline; addressed: “mr Jefferson Poplar Forest”; endorsed by TJ as received the day it was written and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Considérations sur les principaux événemens de La Révolution Françoise (Staël Holstein) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; good health of search
  • slaves; errands by search
  • Staël Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, baronne de; Considérations sur les principaux événemens de La Révolution Françoise search
  • Steptoe, James; and TJ’s health search
  • Steptoe, James; letters from search