Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Steptoe to Thomas Jefferson, 22 July 1819

From James Steptoe

July 22d 1819

Dear Sir

I have received information this morning, that my Son George, who has been confined to his Bed for eight or ten days past with a violent Fever, is much worse, so much so, that his recovery is doubtful—I must see him today if possible—and this must be my apology for not being with you.

Yrs affecty

Ja. Steptoe

RC (DLC); with PoC of TJ to Francis B. Deane, Willis Wilson, and John G. Daniel, 2 Aug. 1819, on recto and verso; dateline at foot of text; addressed: “mr Jefferson Poplar Forest.”

george Steptoe (b. 1785) survived and was still in Bedford County in 1850 (James Steptoe family Bible record [photocopy in ViLJML]; DNA: RG 29, CS, Bedford Co., 1850).

Index Entries

  • fevers; mentioned search
  • health; fever search
  • Steptoe, George; illness of search
  • Steptoe, James; and G. Steptoe’s illness search
  • Steptoe, James; letters from search