Thomas Jefferson Papers

Lewis D. Belair to Thomas Jefferson, 6 November 1818

From Lewis D. Belair

Philadelphia Nov 6th 1818


Yours under date of The 27th and 31t ulto, duly Came to hand, The answers of which have Sustained a Little delay owing to my Being In This City, Where I have Opened a Depot of The Estabblishment of New York.—

Having here at hand The Three Defferint Works Which you have Requested, I have forwarded Them ⅌ two Mails as ⅌ Request Viz

1 Planche Dict Grec & fs 1 Large 8vo Bound $6.25 
1 Didot Logarithmes ⅌ Lalande 18me 87½
1 Corespondance de Cortes &c 12me 1 12½

I have here Included The List of Part of The Works you Mention; Excepting a few which I have not yet unpacked and Their Invoices In New York, I Shall This day write to my Representative and desire him under his hand to direct you The Same, you Will have The Goodness to Direct your next to me at The Last Mentioned Place,

I Have the Honour to be With The Highest Esteam Your devoted Servt

Lewis D Bélair

Duchange Glossarium1 3 fo Bound In Velum $20 00 
Cabanis Humeurs Catarales 1 8vo (Thin) 87½
Saluste Dureau de la Malle L & fr 1 8vo half Bound 2 25  } one of Each left
The Same In 2 12me Broché 2 12½
Les 12 Cesars ⅌ Suêton Translated ⅌ Henri Ophellot
 only Copy { de la Plause avec des Mêlanges2 Phylosophiques3 et des Notes 4 8vo bound (Very Scarce) 7 50 
Thêsori Linguae Gracae Stephano Construstë 5 Large fo Bound In Velum (Very Scarce) The only Copie which Was for Sale In The Market4 at The time of Its Importation Cost 350 fs I Will Sell It to you at
90 00 
Synopsis Plantarum ⅌ Persoone Velum Paper 2 Large 12o fine Print 10. 00 
Synopsis Fungorum is a Seperate Work from The other by The Same Author 1 12o $4,50 (I have only one Copie of Each on hand.)5 It is a Book of much demand } Plates
Henri IV ⅌ Péréfixe 12me Broché 87½
Guerres Civiles6 de Rome dappien7 Traduite ⅌ J. J. Combes-dounous Ex Legislateur membre de Société &c &c 1808 3 8vo bound 7 00
  The Following Belonging to your List I have not at Present But I Expect Shortly a few Copie of Each of Them,
Tacite Lat & fr Dureau la Mal Thay Sold 5 8vo Bound $12. 00
Laplace  Mecanique Celeste 4 4to Broché
Systême du Monde 1. 4to
22 00
5. 50
Yours In Haste

Lewis D Bélair

RC (MHi); between dateline and salutation: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Montecelo Milton Va”; with marginal slash marks corresponding to books ordered by TJ in his response of 16 Nov. 1818 and most likely in his hand; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Nov. 1818 and so recorded in SJL.

For TJ’s letter of 31t ulto see note to TJ to Belair, 27 Oct. 1818. Belair’s representative was Francois Redon. broché: stitched, when used to describe an unbound book (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ).

TJ sought the translation of Suetonius (suêton) by Jean Baptiste Claude Delisle de Sales (pseudonym Henri Ophellot de La Pause), Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes, 4 vols. (Paris, 1771; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 3 [no. 48]; TJ’s copy in MdBJ). The edition of Appian’s guerres civiles de rome that TJ acquired was Jean Isaac Combes-Dounous, trans., Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine, 3 vols. (Paris, 1808; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 3 [no. 42]; TJ’s copy in ViU).

1Manuscript: “Classarium.”

2Manuscript: “Métanges.”

3Manuscript: “Phylosophique.”

4Manuscript: “Marked.”

5Omitted closing parenthesis editorially supplied.

6Manuscript: “Civile.”

7Manuscript: “dappiers.”

Index Entries

  • Appian; Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (trans. J. I. Combes-Dounous) search
  • Belair, Lewis Descoins; letters from search
  • Belair, Lewis Descoins; TJ orders books from search
  • books; classical search
  • books; dictionaries search
  • books; of correspondence search
  • books; on botany search
  • books; on mathematics search
  • books; on medicine search
  • botany; books on search
  • Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges; Observations sur les Affections Catarrhales search
  • Combes-Dounous, Jean Isaac; translatesHistoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (Appian) search
  • Correspondance de Fernand Cortès avec l’empereur Charles-Quint (trans. Flavigny) search
  • Cortés, Hernán; correspondence of search
  • Delisle de Sales, Jean Baptiste Claude (“Henri Ophellot de La Pause”); translatesHistoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (Suetonius) search
  • Dictionnaire Grec-Français, composé sur l’ouvrage intitulé Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, de Henri Étienne (J. Planche) search
  • Didot, Firmin; publishes work search
  • Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne; Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediæ & Infimæ Latinitatis search
  • Dureau de la Malle, Jean Baptiste; translatesOeuvres de Salluste (Sallust) search
  • Dureau de la Malle, Jean Baptiste; translatesTacite (Tacitus) search
  • Estienne, Henri (Stepani; Stephani); editsΘησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae search
  • Exposition du Systême du Monde (P. S. Laplace) search
  • Flavigny, Gratien Jean Baptiste Louis, vicomte de; translatesCorrespondance de Fernand Cortès avec l’empereur Charles-Quint search
  • French language; dictionaries search
  • Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediæ & Infimæ Latinitatis (C. D. F. Du Cange) search
  • Greek language; dictionaries search
  • Greek language; thesauri search
  • Henry IV, king of France; biography of search
  • Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (Suetonius; trans. J. B. C. Delisle de Sales [writing as “Henri Ophellot de La Pause”]) search
  • Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine (Appian; trans. J. I. Combes-Dounous) search
  • Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand (H. de Péréfixe) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Le Français de; Tables de Logarithmes pour les Nombres et Pour les Sinus search
  • Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de; Exposition du Systême du Monde search
  • Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de; Traité de Mécanique Céleste search
  • Latin language; glossaries search
  • mathematics; books on search
  • medicine; books on search
  • Observations sur les Affections Catarrhales (P. J. G. Cabanis) search
  • Oeuvres de Salluste (Sallust; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle) search
  • Péréfixe, Hardouin de Beaumont de; Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand search
  • Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik; Synopsis Methodica Fungorum search
  • Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik; Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum search
  • Planche, Joseph; Dictionnaire Grec-Français, composé sur l’ouvrage intitulé Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, de Henri Étienne search
  • Redon, Francois; as agent of L. D. Belair search
  • Sallust; Oeuvres de Sallust (trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle) search
  • Suetonius; Histoire Des Douze Césars de Suétone, … Avec des Mêlanges Philosophiques & des Notes (trans. “Henri Ophellot de La Pause” [J. B. C. Delisle de Sales]) search
  • Synopsis Methodica Fungorum (C. H. Persoon) search
  • Synopsis Plantarum, seu Enchiridium Botanicum (C. H. Persoon) search
  • Tables de Logarithmes pour les Nombres et Pour les Sinus (Lalande) search
  • Tacite (Tacitus; trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle) search
  • Tacitus; Tacite (trans. J. B. Dureau de la Malle) search
  • Traité de Mécanique Céleste (P. S. Laplace) search
  • Θησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης. Thesaurus Graecae Linguae (ed. H. Estienne) search