Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the Administration of Charles Bellini’s Estate, 4 April 1818

Notes on the Administration of Charles Bellini’s Estate

1818. Apr. 4. having recieved mr Fancelli’s Excha. of Nov. 11. 1817 in favr of T. Appleton assd to Thos Perkins, I inclosed the certificate of the Cashr of the bank (which had been given Feb. 14. 16) to mr Perkins with an order on the back of it to the Cashier to pay him the money, which finally winds up this business.

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 206:36724); written entirely in TJ’s hand on verso of PoC of TJ to Robert Saunders, 2 Mar. 1816.

The cashier of the Bank of Virginia in Richmond was William Dandridge.

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and C. Bellini’s estate search
  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); and C. Bellini estate search
  • Bellini, Charles (Carlo Maria Marchionne); estate of search
  • Dandridge, William (bank cashier); and C. Bellini estate search
  • Fancelli, Giovanni Battista; and C. Bellini estate search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and C. Bellini estate search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on the Administration of Charles Bellini’s Estate search
  • Perkins, Thomas; and C. Bellini estate search