Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Perkins to Thomas Jefferson, 23 March 1818

From Thomas Perkins

Boston March 23d 1818


I take the liberty of forwarding to you for acceptance the 3d of a sett of Exchange dated Leghorn November 11th 1817 @ 10 dsst for Six hundred and thirty five & 48100 Dollars, drawn by Sigr Fancelli upon yourself in favour of Thomas Appleton Esq. and endorsed by him & myself, likewise, letter of advise received with same. Should the bill meet acceptance, I have to request of you to hold the same untill due & remit the amount to me by mail, or otherwise

very respectfully yr obt Servt

Thos Perkins Jr

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Apr. 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Mathew Carey, 21 June 1818, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esq Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked Boston, 23 Mar. Enclosures: (1) Giovanni Battista Fancelli to TJ, 11 Nov. 1817. (2) Bill of Exchange between TJ and Fancelli, Leghorn, 11 Nov. 1817 (printed form in Italian in DLC: TJ Papers, 212:37904; on a narrow slip of paper with a decorative border; signed and with blanks filled in Italian by Fancelli; signed endorsements on verso by Appleton [“Please pay the within amount to the order of mr Thos Perkins jun of Boston.—Leghorn 20 Decr 1817”] and Perkins [“Please Pay the within amount to the Order of Thos Jefferson Esqr—Boston 23 March. 1818”]).

Thomas Perkins, a Boston merchant and nephew of Thomas Appleton, was the son of Thomas Perkins (ca. 1761–1836) and Charlotte Appleton Perkins (1766–98), who married in January 1789. His uncle did business with him during the two years leading up to Perkins’s bankruptcy in 1819, an event that apparently cost Appleton more than $1,500 (William S. Appleton, A Genealogy of the Appleton Family [1874], 14; Boston Massachusetts Centinel, 21 Jan. 1789; The Boston Directory [Boston, 1820], 166; Philipp Fehl, “The Account Book of Thomas Appleton of Livorno: A Document in the History of American Art, 1802–1825,” Winterthur Portfolio 9 [1974]: 123–51, esp. 132, 144–6, 149; New-Bedford [Mass.] Mercury, 1 Apr. 1836).

dsst: “days’ sight.”

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and C. Bellini’s estate search
  • Bellini, Charles (Carlo Maria Marchionne); estate of search
  • Fancelli, Giovanni Battista; and C. Bellini estate search
  • Italian language; documents in, by; G. B. Fancelli search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and C. Bellini estate search
  • Perkins, Thomas; and C. Bellini estate search
  • Perkins, Thomas; identified search
  • Perkins, Thomas; letter from search