Giovanni Battista Fancelli to Thomas Jefferson, 11 November 1817
From Giovanni Battista Fancelli
Livorno 11 Novembre 1817
Ho l’Onore di parteciparli di averle tratto in questo giorno 635 Pezi duri di Spagna, e 48 Centimi a 10/ giorni Vista in favore del Sigre Tommaso Appleton Console di America, che avrà la bontà di accoglere, essendo tal Somma il Bilancio dovuto ⅌ l’Eredità del Sigre Bellini, come essendo da lei autorizato nella lettera al detto Sigre Appleton
Si compiaccia di accettare i dovuti Ringraziamenti, e l’Espressioni del mio Rispetto, con che passo a dichiararmi
Il Cano Gio: Batta. Fancelli Mo Pa
Editors’ Translation
Leghorn 11 November 1817
I have the honor to inform you that I have this day drawn 635 Spanish pesos duros and 48 cents at ten days’ sight in favor of Mr. Thomas Appleton, the American consul, who will have the goodness to receive it, as you authorized me in the letter to the aforementioned Mr. Appleton, this sum being the balance owed from Mr. Bellini’s estate
Please accept all due thanks and the expressions of my respect, with which I declare myself
Canon Gio: Batta. Fancelli in his own hand
Tripl (DLC); at head of text: “Triplicata”; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Apr. 1818 from “Bellini. Charles’s representatives, to wit Fancelli John Baptist”; recorded under that date of receipt in SJL simply as a letter from Fancelli, with the additional bracketed notation: “advice.” Tripl (MoSHi: TJC-BC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Archibald Stuart, 28 May 1818, on verso; addressed: “Al Sigre Tommaso Jefferson Monticello Virginia.” Translation by Dr. Jonathan T. Hine. Enclosed in Thomas Perkins to TJ, 23 Mar. 1818.
On this day Thomas Appleton recorded purchasing Fancelli’s bill of exchange for “635: Doll. 48 cts—at 10 days Sight” and paying him that sum, “excepting 95 Doll. & 25cts—which I retain to answer to any difference in the payment between Spanish Dollars & the Currency in which it may be paid—& which I have promis’d by an obligation to Restore to Sd Fan[c]elli in Case the bill is paid in Spanish Dollars,” and noted that he bought the bill “at 10 ⅌Ct disct” (MS in MBPLi: Appleton Account Book; in an unidentified hand; with one word editorially corrected).
Index Entries
- Appleton, Thomas; and C. Bellini’s estate search
- Bellini, Charles (Carlo Maria Marchionne); estate of search
- Fancelli, Giovanni Battista; and C. Bellini estate search
- Fancelli, Giovanni Battista; letter from search
- Italian language; letters in, from; G. B. Fancelli search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and C. Bellini estate search