Thomas Jefferson Papers

André Thoüin to Thomas Jefferson, 18 February 1818

From André Thoüin

Paris le 18 fever 1818

Thoüin a l’honneur de presenter Son offrande ordinaire ou annuelle a Monsieur Thomas Jefferson,—Il desire quelle le trouve en bonne Santé et heureux1 du bonheur de Sa patrie auquel il a contribué par Ses vastes conceptions. Il l’assure de Son inviolable et très respectueux attachement./.

Editors’ Translation

Paris 18 February 1818

Thoüin has the honor of presenting his usual annual offering to Mr. Thomas Jefferson.—He hopes that it finds him in good health and pleased with the good fortune of his country, to which he has contributed through his wide-ranging ideas. He assures him of his inviolable and very respectful attachment./.

RC (DLC); on printed letterhead of the “Administration du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, au Jardin du Roi”; dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Sept. 1818 and so recorded in SJL. Translation by Dr. Roland H. Simon.

1Manuscript: “heureur.”

Index Entries

  • French language; letters in, from; A. Thoüin search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Thoüin, André; letters from search
  • Thoüin, André; sends seeds to TJ search