Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 5 August 1817
To Patrick Gibson
Monticello Aug. 5. 17.
Dear Sir
Your favor of July 14. was duly recieved with my acct annexed, which I believe is all right except that to the balance of 662.19 should be added an error of 10.D. in the account of Dec. 31. 1816. where the proceeds of the sale of 175. Bar. flour for 1581.75 is mis-entered as 1571.75 this error of the copyist is easily rectified. I believe also I have not yet been credited the charge of 31.D. ordered to be pd to Dufief but not actually paid, debited to me Aug. 4. 16 (see explanation in my lres of Feb. 9. & 17th Dufief’s letter inclosed to you, and yours of Feb. 13.) I was surprised to learn by a letter of July 15. from mr Yancey that 3. hhds of my tobo remained still at Lynchbg by failure of the promise of the boatmen; which however he said would go off in a few days. we have also a hogshead here which Johnson will take down the first swell of the river. be so good as to sell these on their arrival for what they will bring. I shall be obliged shortly to count on their proceeds in my draughts; as on my arrival at Poplar Forest, (to which I set out the day after tomorrow) I must draw in favor of mr Robertson for 800.D. and before my departure in favr of Saml Carr or order for about 150. or 160.D. my general view of the present state of my account is about thus.
1817. | July 1. | balce by acct rendered | 662 | .19 | 1817. | June 27. | Ordr favr Southall | 990 | . |
1816. | Aug. 4. | payment to Dufief charged. | 31 | . | July 7. | Note bk Virgi redeemd | 2000 | . | |
Dec. 31. | miscopying of article of 1581.75. | 10 | . | Ord. to be drawn. Robertson | 800 | ||||
1817. | July 9. | note in bk US. | 3000 | . | 3790 | . | |||
4 hhds tobo to be yet sold suppose | 400 | . | balance | 333 | .19 | ||||
2. Barrels condemnd flour. suppose | 20 | . | 4123 | .19 | |||||
4123 | .19 |
on this will be the draught in favr of Sam Carr, amt not exactly known. I must also request you to send me a small bale of cotton the first time Johnson goes down. he will call on you for it. I shall not be able to replenish my funds until by 50. Bar. rent1 flour about 90. days hence, and perhaps some crop flour from hence. I expect to remain in Bedford till the middle of next month. consequently a blank stamp for my note in the bk US due Sep. 9. should be forwarded to me in Bedford, and the sooner the surer. I am affectionately & respectfully yours
Th: Jefferson
PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ.
No favor of july 14. has been found, but a missing letter of 11 July from Gibson, received 16 July 1817 from Richmond, is recorded in SJL. Two missing letters from Joel Yancey of july 15., both received 2 Aug. 1817 from Lynchburg, are also recorded in SJL. On 7 Aug. 1817 TJ paid Samuel carr for corn with an order on Gibson & Jefferson for $208 ( , 2:1337).
1. Word interlined.
Index Entries
- Bank of the United States, Second; TJ’s loan from search
- Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
- boats; transfer goods to and from Richmond search
- Carr, Samuel (TJ’s nephew); TJ pays search
- corn; TJ buys search
- cotton; purchased by TJ search
- Dufief, Nicolas Gouin; account with TJ search
- flour; as rent search
- flour; sale of search
- Gibson, Patrick; account with TJ search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s loan from Bank of Virginia search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s loan from Second Bank of the United States search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s tobacco search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters from accounted for search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); payments made for TJ search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with N. G. Dufief search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to V. W. Southall search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Bank of Virginia search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Second Bank of the United States search
- Johnson, William (boatman); carries tobacco to Richmond search
- Johnson, William (boatman); transports goods from Richmond search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); flour from search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); tobacco crop at search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
- rent; from Shadwell mills search
- Richmond, Va.; boats transfer goods to and from search
- Robertson, Archibald; TJ pays search
- Southall, Valentine Wood; TJ’s debt to search
- tobacco; grown at Monticello search
- tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
- tobacco; sale of search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); as superintendent of Poplar Forest search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); letters from accounted for search