Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Lancelot Minor, 3 June 1817

To Lancelot Minor

Monticello June 3. 17.

Dear Sir

I am 2. or 3. days later than my promise in sending you the inclosed order on Messrs Gibson & Jefferson for 160. D 08 c for Colo Callis’s estate1 to refund what Hastings Marks had recieved for the 150. acres of land in Fluvanna sold by him to Colo Callis and recovered by David Ross. I must refer you to my letters of 1812. May 29. & Oct. 29. 1813. May 26. and 1816. July 14. for the principles on which the amount is estimated. the principal being 69.D. due since 1795. I have added 22. years interest at 6. per cent. 91. D 08 c making in the whole 160. D 08 c the amount of the order. this I believe settles almost the last article of that administration, and the chief pleasure I recieve from it is in the relief it brings to you. the sale of the land, if it [cou]ld be effected would close all. I salute you with great thankfulness, esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of George Gibbs to TJ, 11 Mar. 1817; torn at seal, with some missing text rewritten by TJ; at foot of text: “Colo Lancelot Minor”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure not found.

TJ wrote to Minor on 30 May 1812, not may 29.

1TJ here canceled “to discharge.”

Index Entries

  • Callis, William Overton; and H. Marks’s estate search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); payments made for TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and H. Marks’s estate search
  • Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); and H. Marks’s estate search
  • Marks, Hastings (TJ’s brother-in-law; Anne Scott Jefferson Marks’s husband); estate of search
  • Minor, Lancelot; and H. Marks’s estate search
  • Minor, Lancelot; letters to search
  • Ross, David; and H. Marks’s estate search