Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Fernagus De Gelone, 7 March 1817

To Fernagus De Gelone

Monticello Mar. 7. 17.


After dispatching my letter of yesterday in answer to your’s of Feb. 25. I looked over the catalogue you had inclosed me and found 2. or 3. other books which I will pray you to send me with those ordered in my letter, to wit.

La Conquista de Mexico, De Solis 3. v. 8vo I take for granted it is in Spanish.

Borda. usage du Cercle 4to

Tragedies d’Euripides. 4. v. 12mo if in prose; but not if in verse.

the prices not being mentioned, if you will note them to me I will remit them in the same way I did for the others. I salute you with respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Thomas Appleton to TJ, 20 Oct. 1816; at foot of text: “M. Fernagus de Gelone”; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Borda, Jean Charles de; Description Et Usage Du Cercle De Réflexion search
  • Borda’s circle (surveying instrument) search
  • Description et Usage du Cercle de Réflexion (J. C. de Borda) search
  • Euripides; Les Tragédies d’Euripide (trans. P. Prévost) search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; letters to search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; TJ orders books from search
  • Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y progresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España (A. de Solís y Rivadeneira) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Les Tragédies d’Euripide (Euripides; trans. P. Prévost) search
  • Prévost, Pierre; translatesLes Tragédies d’Euripide (Euripides) search
  • Solís y Rivadeneira, Antonio de; Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion, y Progresos de la America Septentrional, conocida por el nombre de Nueva España search
  • Spanish language; works in search