Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Appleton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 October 1816

From Thomas Appleton

Leghorn 20th October 1816.


I have shipp’d on board the Brig Saucy-Jack, Capt: Humphrys for charleston. S. Carolina—two Cases containing together 87. bottles of Ama wine, which I hope you will find greatly to your Satisfaction.—By the brig Othello Capt: Gladding, & who Sail’d 10 days Since, I wrote you very fully on various Subjects; and especially Relating to the Statue, whic[h] I am directed to have sculptur’d, for the State of North-Carolina.—at the Same time, I inclos’d your little account for the wines Sent, which you will percieve exactly balanc’d by the two Cases now Sent.—I have written Gov: miller in relation to the attitude of the Statue, which mr Canova Strongly urges should be in a Sitting-posture, considering the lowness of the Senate-chamber, & the place for which it is intended.—I have also greatly Recommended to the Governor, that the figures in basso-relievo on the piedestal, should represent some great traits in the life of the General, instead of the fabulous Goddesses of antiquity which he has Sent me for this purpose.—I inclos’d you, likewise, copies of the letters of mr Canova.—I frequently see mrs mazzei & her daughter, who appear desirous of withdrawing their money from the u.S. in order to put it at interest in this country.—

I shall only now renew the expressions of my great respect & esteem

Th: Appleton

RC (DLC); edge chipped; endorsed by TJ as received 30 Dec. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Fernagus De Gelone, 7 Mar. 1817, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esq. Monticello Virginia favd by Capt: Humphreys Via Charleston”; stamped “SHIP”; stamped again and postmarked Charleston, 18 Dec.

the general: George Washington.

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and P. Mazzei’s estate search
  • Appleton, Thomas; and sculptures of G. Washington search
  • Appleton, Thomas; and wine for TJ search
  • Appleton, Thomas; letters from search
  • Canova, Antonio; Italian sculptor search
  • Casanuova di Ama, Italy; wine from search
  • Gladding, John; captain ofOthello search
  • Humphreys, Richard; captain ofSaucy Jack search
  • Italy; wine from search
  • Mazzei, Antonia Antoni (Philip Mazzei’s second wife); and P. Mazzei’s estate search
  • Miller, William (governor of N.C.); and statue of G. Washington search
  • North Carolina; statue for capitol of search
  • Othello (brig) search
  • Pini, Elisabetta Mazzei (Philip Mazzei’s daughter; Andrea Pini’s wife); and P. Mazzei’s estate search
  • Saucy Jack (brig) search
  • sculpture; of G. Washington search
  • Washington, George; statue of for N.C. state capitol search
  • wine; Casanuova di Ama search
  • wine; Italian search
  • wine; sent to TJ search