Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles Yancey to Thomas Jefferson, 20 February 1817

From Charles Yancey

Richmond 20th February 1817

Dr Sir

we have postponed the Consideration of the turnpike1 Contemplated from Rockfish Gap to Lewis’ ferry. my Colleague proposed to turn pike each road to the River to this I objected & prefered postponing I have been Some embarrassed in this Case on Acct of So many applications. we Shall be up tomorrow

Yours respectfully

C’ Yancey.

RC (DLC); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Montecello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 20 Feb.; endorsed by TJ as received 23 Feb. 1817 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “turnpke.”

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County, Va.; roads in search
  • Lewis’s Ferry (Albemarle Co.) search
  • roads; in Albemarle Co. search
  • roads; in Va. search
  • Rockfish Gap, Va.; proposed road from search
  • Virginia; House of Delegates search
  • Yancey, Charles (1766–ca.1825); and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Yancey, Charles (1766–ca.1825); letters from search