Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles Yancey to Thomas Jefferson, 13 February 1817

From Charles Yancey

Richmond 13th of February 1817

Dr Sir

we are yet in Session & I am truly tired of debating I have waited thus long before I have acted on the Contemplated turnpike from Rockfish Gap to Lewis’s ferry the people of Charlottesville have directed me to fix a Deposit at Lewis’s ferry for them as a place lower down would Subject them to additional expence we have talked of turnpiking to each ford but as the Road to Secretaries ford is not an established one I do not know whether the1 assemley will do it or not. I however dispair of either this Session I am however very Critically Situated as the people of Charlottesville2 & north & west of that Seem Anxious to fix a place of deposit at Lewis’s ferry alledging that this would not prevent the road from being turned down the River which I believe to be the nearest Road & Shall Certainly State it So to the house the people or Members of the west Seem to be for the ferry. Messrs Thweat & Baker have often asked of me to postpone this affair & Said they wished to attend the Comee which have been Summoned five or Six times but they never attended but once & the Comee being all personally Acquainted Seem to be in favor of the ferry for a Deposit & accordingly directed a report to the house which is now before them. I had never heard of Your application to the Court to turn the Road untill the petition to establish the turn pike had been presented. the convention bill has been rejected by the Senate 12 to 9. I am respectfully Your mo ob Hble Sert

Charles Yancey

RC (DLC); addressed: “Thos Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; stamp canceled; franked; postmarked Richmond, 14 Feb.; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Feb. 1817 and so recorded in SJL.

The bill “Requiring the Sheriffs of the different Counties and Corporations within this Commonwealth to take the sense of the People upon the propriety of calling a Convention” was rejected in the Senate on 11 Feb. 1817 (JSV description begins Journal of the Senate of Virginia description ends [1816–17 sess.], 55).

1Yancey here canceled “Court.”

2Manuscript: “Charlottesvill.”

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County, Va.; petitions to General Assembly search
  • Albemarle County, Va.; roads in search
  • Baker, Jerman (1776–1828); and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Bill Requiring the Sheriffs of the different counties and corporations within this Commonwealth, to take the sense of the people upon the propriety of calling a Convention (1815) search
  • Lewis’s Ferry (Albemarle Co.) search
  • roads; in Albemarle Co. search
  • roads; in Va. search
  • Rockfish Gap, Va.; proposed road from search
  • Secretary’s Ford (Albemarle Co.); road at search
  • Thweatt, Archibald; and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; House of Delegates search
  • Virginia; Senate search
  • Yancey, Charles (1766–ca.1825); and proposed Albemarle Co. road search
  • Yancey, Charles (1766–ca.1825); letters from search