Thomas Jefferson Papers

William Sampson to Thomas Jefferson, 30 November 1816

From William Sampson

New York Novr 30 1816


Mr Geo Ensor An old friend fellow student and Colleague of mine, whom I formerly knew for a gentleman and scholar, sent me lately in memory of our antient friendship, several works of his pen. He requested me if I thought such a gift Could be acceptable to you to forward a Copy of that entitled, “Defects of the English Law,” and one of that entitled “on National Government.”

In looking for some person by whom to forward them to Washington, I was introduced by a friend to Mr Lovett member of Congress from this State. As I since learned that Gentleman is not of the same political opinions with me nor with the author I feared I had been possibly freer than was wellcome, but it was too late to retract or apologize as he went off So Soon after I Saw him. One of the Volumes was in paper and a Sealed letter enclosed, the two others were unpacked by a mistake, through hurry, I having been all that morning engaged in business, and unable to pay due attention. I begged of M Lovett as I understood he had not the honor of being personally acquainted with you to deliver them to Some member of Congress from your District, and doubt not but he will have the politeness to do so as he was good enough to promise; but I should be very thankful to have the assurance that they Came safe to your hands. And beg leave to repeat the sentiments of respect and admiration with which I am

Sir Your most obedt Sevant

William Sampson

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 11 Dec. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Nicolas G. Dufief, 14 Dec. 1816, and FC of TJ to Dufief, 30 Dec. 1816, on recto; addressed: “Mr Jefferson Monticello”; franked; postmarked New York, 1 Dec.

Index Entries

  • books; on government search
  • Congress, U.S.; mentioned search
  • Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals (G. Ensor) search
  • Ensor, George; Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals search
  • Ensor, George; On National Government search
  • Great Britain; laws of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • law; books on search
  • law; British search
  • Lovett, John; and books for TJ search
  • On National Government (G. Ensor) search
  • politics; books on government search
  • Sampson, William; and books for TJ search
  • Sampson, William; letters from search