Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 6 August 1816
To Patrick Gibson
Monticello Aug. 6. 16.
[De]ar Sir
Understanding that the 4. cases of wine shipped for me from Alexandria are arrived with you, and the state of our river rendering it improbable that it can be brought up that under a month or six weeks, I send the bearer with a small cart, and pray you to deliver to him two cases. the other two may wait for either Johnson or Gilmore. if you can procure for me & send by him also a cheese or two, it will much oblige me. I have understood it has been scarce in Richmond; but I see some now advertised there by Ralston and Pleasants, and some about 10. days ago advertised by some other firm. American is preferred, if to be had. if not, then of any other country.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC: TJ Papers, ser. 10); on verso of reused address cover of Eusebio Valli to TJ, 26 Apr. 1816; salutation faint; at foot of text: “Mr Gibson”; endorsed by TJ.
TJ’s slave Wormley Hughes, the bearer, was sent to Richmond this day and returned on 12 Aug. 1816 ( , 2:1325).
Index Entries
- boats; transfer goods to and from Richmond search
- cheese; TJ orders search
- food; cheese search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and food acquired by TJ search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and wine acquired by TJ search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); transports goods search
- Gilmore, Joseph; Milton boatman search
- Hughes, Wormley (TJ’s slave; b.1781); transports wine search
- Johnson, William (waterman); transports goods from Richmond search
- Ralston & Pleasants (Richmond firm) search
- Richmond, Va.; boats transfer goods to and from search
- Rivanna River; water level of search
- slaves; travels of search
- wine; TJ arranges delivery of search