Thomas Appleton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 March 1816
From Thomas Appleton
Leghorn 20th march 1816.
The departure of a vessel for the U: States,1 in the course of an hour, allows me only the time to say, that I have just return’d from paying the last tribute of affection, to my inestimable friend, mr mazzei, who died yesterday in Pisa—The first symptoms of his disorder, appear’d about a week since, by an erisipola on his legs, which it seems, his physicians were unable to prevent extending to the more noble parts; for little aided by nature, this morbid humour gain’d rapidly his breast, and baffled every effort of art.—as in health, the continual subjects of his conversation, were his “Cara patria adottiva,” and his unbounded affection for your virtues, so likewise, were they the unceasing themes on which he dwelt, until life expir’d.—In the course of a fort’night a vessel will depart for New York, by which time, I shall be enabled to inform you the State of his pecuniary concerns; as I shall then forward to you, the legal attestations of his decease, together with the dispositions of his executors, relating to the money arising from the Sale of his house & lot in Richd
Th: Appleton
Dupl (DLC); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson, esq.”; between dateline and salutation: “duplicate”; with RC of Appleton to TJ, 15 Apr. 1816, subjoined; endorsed by TJ as received 20 June 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); lacking text of 15 Apr. 1816 letter; endorsed by TJ as a “Duplicate” received 10 July 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William Clark, 8 Sept. 1816, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esquire Virginia United States of America ⅌ Brig Clarissa Ann Capt: Blanchard via Philadelphia”; stamped “SHIP”; second stamp canceled; franked; postmarked Philadelphia, 22 June. FC (NNGL: Appleton Letterbooks); entirely in Appleton’s hand; between dateline and salutation: “Duplicate.”
erisipola: erysipelas. cara patria adottiva: “beloved adopted country.”
The last letter from Philip Mazzei to TJ, dated 16 Feb. 1816, is recorded in SJL as received 14 Aug. 1816 from Pisa, but has not been found.
1. Preceding four words not in RC or FC.
Index Entries
- Appleton, Thomas; and P. Mazzei’s estate search
- Appleton, Thomas; consul at Leghorn search
- Appleton, Thomas; letters from search
- Appleton, Thomas; on P. Mazzei’s health search
- erysipelas search
- health; erysipelas search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and P. Mazzei’s property search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to P. Mazzei search
- Mazzei, Philip; death of search
- Mazzei, Philip; health of search
- Mazzei, Philip; letters from accounted for search
- Mazzei, Philip; Richmond property of search
- Mazzei, Philip; TJ’s debt to search
- Richmond, Va.; P. Mazzei’s property in search