Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Appleton, 31 January 1816
To Thomas Appleton
Monticello Jan. 31. 16.
Dear Sir
I wrote you a long letter on the 14th inst. and as it went by Duplicates one thro’ mr Vaughan of Philada, the other thro’ the Secy of States office, I do not doubt you will receive them. but a gentleman now setting out direct for Paris, you may recieve this before either of the others. I will repeat therefore from that letter only a single article. it informed you that ‘I had put into the hands of mr Vaughan 50. Dollars to be remitted to you, and it requested you to send me the amount of it in Montepulciano wine, in black bottles well corked and cemented, and in strong boxes, addressed to the Collector of any port from Boston to Chesapeak, to which the first opportunity should occur; Norfolk and Richmond being always to be preferred, if a conveyance equally early offers. but the warm season will be so fast advancing that no time will be to be lost.’ it is on account of the pressure of the season that I catch at the present conveyance, as, confident you will receive the remittance immediately thro’ mr Vaughan, you may in the mean time procure and send off the wine. I requested it to be of the quality you formerly furnished me, & which, in a letter of May 1. 1805. you mentioned to be of the growth of grounds formerly belonging to the order of Jesuits and sold for the benefit of the government in 1773 at the time that that institution was abolished. referring for other things to that letter, I repeat here the assurance of my friendly esteem & great respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of otherwise unlocated letter from Lancelot Minor to TJ, 8 Dec. 1815 (addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello” in care of “Mr S. O. Minor”; franked; postmarked Charlottesville, 10 Dec.; recorded in SJL as received 15 Dec. 1815 from Louisa); at foot of text: “Thomas Appleton esq.”; endorsed by TJ, with his added notation: “by D. Terril & Dr Jackson.” Enclosed in TJ to Henry Jackson, 31 Jan. 1816.
The gentleman now setting out direct for paris was Dabney C. Terrell.
Index Entries
- Appleton, Thomas; and wine for TJ search
- Appleton, Thomas; consul at Leghorn search
- Appleton, Thomas; letters to search
- Appleton, Thomas; TJ pays search
- Jackson, Henry (1778–1840); conveys TJ’s letters search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; orders wine from T. Appleton search
- Jesuits; property of seized search
- Minor, Lancelot; letters from accounted for search
- Minor, S. O.; carries letter to TJ search
- Monroe, James; as secretary of state search
- Montepulciano (wine); produced on Jesuit land search
- Montepulciano (wine); TJ orders search
- Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s grandson); carries TJ’s letters to Europe search
- Vaughan, John; makes payments for TJ search
- Vaughan, John; TJ sends letters through search
- wine; Montepulciano search
- wine; TJ arranges delivery of search
- wine; TJ orders from T. Appleton search