Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 18 March 1816
To Patrick Gibson
Monticello Mar. 18. 16.
Dear Sir
Your favors of Feb. 14. and Mar. 13. were duly recieved. the last came to hand so as to allow time merely to reinclose my renewed note by return of the mail.
The inexactitude of my mill-tenants has sometimes led me into erroneous information to you as to flour sent down on my account. I have lately obtained from mr T. E. Randolph a statement of all sent from Oct. 17.1 1814. to Feb. 21. 1816. of which I send you a copy, and pray you to have it compared with your books; that, if any part of it has not been delivered to you, I may have it rectified. their statement amounts to 403. Barrels for 1814. 15. and 214. for 1815. 16. besides these there were 67. barrels for the former period, which had been sent to their agent but not delivered by him to you for want of their instructions. I am promised that these shall be instantly delivered so as to make the whole 684. Barrels for the two periods. this has no connection with any from Bedford. I have always considered March & April as the best months for selling flour2 altho’ it is likely to turn out otherwise this year. I will therefore pray you to sell whatever you have of mine on hand, as soon as you think it best, and for whatever price may be going at the time, without awaiting further advice. Mr Yancey wrote me that 3. hhds of tobo more would immediately follow the 7. already sent, but that one of them was light, stemmed, & of indifferent3 quality. I shall be glad to hear that the whole is sold, because in addition to the draught which in mine of the 8th I mentioned I should be obliged to make the last of this month, the US. Collectors are calling for their taxes which are very heavy. I have consequently given to Joel Yancey an order on you for 170.D. for the Collector of Bedford, to which I shall have to add those for this county. I must also ask the favor of you to remit 65.D. for me to Genl William Duane. I shall go to Bedford in a fortnight or 3. weeks, before which I hope to hear what my tobo turns out. Your’s with friendship & esteem.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC: TJ Papers, ser. 10); on reused address cover of Wilson Cary Nicholas to TJ, 16 Feb. 1816; at foot of text: “Mr Gibson”; endorsed by TJ.
For Gibson’s letter of feb. 14., see note to TJ to Joel Yancey, 20 Feb. 1816.
On the other side of the PoC of this letter is the enclosure to Thomas M. Randolph & Company to TJ, 12 Mar. 1816, a copy of which was probably the statement enclosed here.
On this date TJ recorded the disposition of the 65.d. for me to genl william duane: “to wit 5.D. for the Aurora to May 1. 1816. and 60.D. for a translation of Tracy’s Pol. economy, on account of Joseph Milligan to whom I am to charge it” ( , 2:1320). This payment was not in fact made at this time (Duane to TJ, 9 Jan. 1817; TJ to Duane, 24 Jan. 1817).
1. Reworked from “12.”
2. Word interlined.
3. Manuscript: “indiffent.”
Index Entries
- A Treatise on Political Economy (Destutt de Tracy) search
- Aurora (Philadelphia newspaper); and W. Duane search
- Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
- Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude; A Treatise on Political Economy search
- Duane, William; and Destutt de Tracy’s works search
- Duane, William; TJ’s account with search
- flour; sale of search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s bank note from Bank of Virginia search
- Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; and newspaper subscriptions search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with W. Duane search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Bank of Virginia search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; pays taxes search
- Milligan, Joseph; and Destutt de Tracy’sTreatise on Political Economy search
- Monticello (TJ’s estate); flour from search
- Monticello (TJ’s estate); taxes on search
- newspapers; subscriptions to, by TJ search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); taxes on search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visit to search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
- Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); and Shadwell mills search
- Richmond, Va.; flour shipped to search
- Shadwell mills; and T. E. Randolph search
- Shadwell mills; and T. M. Randolph search
- taxes; TJ on search
- taxes; TJ pays search
- Thomas M. Randolph & Company (Shadwell Mills, Va.); and TJ’s flour search
- tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
- tobacco; poor quality of TJ’s search
- tobacco; sale of search
- Yancey, Joel (d.1833); as superintendent of Poplar Forest search