Thomas Jefferson Papers

Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 13 March 1816

From Patrick Gibson

Richmond 13th March 1816


I have received your favor of the 8th Inst in which you make no mention of the receipt of my letter of the 14th Ulto. I presume however that it reached you, and that you are aware of the dull and depressed state of our flour market, it is now if possible worse and altho the millers still ask 8½$, I have offer’d 100 bls: ground at your mill at 7½$ without meeting with a purchaser, in conformity with your instructions I have yet done nothing with yours—

Seven hhds of your Tobo have come down and will be inspected tomorrow, when I shall dispose of them—I shall send you the box of Oil by the first boat—Inclosed is a note for your signature to renew the one in Bank due 19/22d Inst. you will therefore be pleased to return1 it immediately—With great respect—

Your obt Servt

Patrick Gibson

RC (ViU: TJP-ER); at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre”; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Mar. 1816 and so recorded in SJL; with TJ’s notes for his 18 Mar. 1816 reply on verso: “acct of flour. sell it tobo Yancey’s draught 170. taxes etc— Duane 65.D.” Enclosure not found.

1Word interlined in place of “forward.”

Index Entries

  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
  • Duane, William; TJ’s account with search
  • flour; price of search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and goods for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s bank note from Bank of Virginia search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters from search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters from accounted for search
  • Gibson, Patrick; payments made for TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with W. Duane search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Bank of Virginia search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
  • Richmond, Va.; tobacco shipped to search
  • tobacco; inspection of search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); as superintendent of Poplar Forest search