Thomas Jefferson Papers

Randolph Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 21 June 1813

From Randolph Jefferson

Snowden June 21: 1813

Dear Brother.

I Received your letter by James and also the book which you sent: my wife is extreemly oblige to you for your present and is very much pleased with it the girl we will send in the course of a week we have not a woman except a girl of twelve or fourteen years old but what has children we expected the reason of your not coming on was on account of the weather being so worm but shall look for you certainly on your retern from bedford my wife is very much indesposed at present we shall certainly expect my sister marks over this summer Lilbourn has goind the volunteers but expect he will be over by the midle of July I wrote very pressingly to capt Brown by your boy in respect to the carp for you but found it was all in vane from what James tells me he got non if you should not conclude to come this way going up I would be extreemly oblige to you to mark out the ram to your overseer and I will send up this fall for him as soon as the weather gits cool so that he can be brought with safety. my wife goins me in love and respect to all the family.

I am Dr brother your most affectionately.—

Rh; Jefferson

RC (ViU: TJP-CC); endorsed by TJ as received 21 June 1813 and so recorded in SJL.

james Gillette was TJ’s slave, and the girl was Randolph Jefferson’s slave Fanny. lilbourn: Randolph Jefferson’s son James Lilburne Jefferson.

Index Entries

  • Brown, William (of Warren); and fish for TJ search
  • carp search
  • Fanny (R. Jefferson’s slave); trained to spin search
  • fish; carp search
  • food; carp search
  • Gardiner, John; The American Gardener search
  • Gillette, James (TJ’s slave; b.1796); and fish for TJ search
  • Gillette, James (TJ’s slave; b.1796); carries letter search
  • Hepburn, David; The American Gardener search
  • Jefferson, James Lilburne (TJ’s nephew; Randolph Jefferson’s son); military service of search
  • Jefferson, Mitchie Ballow Pryor (TJ’s sister-in-law; Randolph Jefferson’s second wife); health of search
  • Jefferson, Mitchie Ballow Pryor (TJ’s sister-in-law; Randolph Jefferson’s second wife); sends greetings to TJ search
  • Jefferson, Mitchie Ballow Pryor (TJ’s sister-in-law; Randolph Jefferson’s second wife); TJ sends book to search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); and A. S. Marks search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); letters from search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); ram for search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); slaves of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with R. Jefferson search
  • Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); and R. Jefferson search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); fish for search
  • sheep; rams search
  • slaves; trained to spin search
  • The American Gardener (J. Gardiner and D. Hepburn) search
  • weather; heat search