Will of Anne Scott Marks, 26 March 1813
Will of Anne Scott Marks
In the name of God Amen. I Anne S. Marks late of the county of Louisa, now of Albemarle, being in health of body and mind, make the following disposition of my estate real and personal after my death.
First it is my will that all the debts with which I am chargeable either on my own account or as executrice of my late husband Hastings Marks, be paid out of my whole estate. then I give the whole of the residue of my property real and personal to the children which shall be living at my death of my beloved niece Martha Randolph in consideration of the manifold and unceasing kindnesses & services which I have recieved and am constantly recieving at her hands: and I constitute her son, my great nephew, Thomas Jefferson Randolph my sole executor of this my will. In witness whereof I have signed this my will with my name this twenty sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.
Anne Scott Marks
Attested by us the subscribers
who have subscribed our names
in presence of the testatrice.
William McClure
Hugh Chisholm
E Bacon
MS (ViU: TJP-ER); in TJ’s hand, signed by Marks, McClure, Chisholm, and Bacon; endorsed by TJ: “Marks Anne S. her will.”
Anne Scott Jefferson Marks (1755–1828), TJ’s youngest sister and the twin of his only brother, Randolph Jefferson, married Hastings Marks in 1788. He died in 1811, after which the childless Marks resided at Monticello (TJ to Randolph Jefferson, 14 Jan. 1812; Will of Anne Scott Marks, 3 Aug. 1825).
, 1:430, 6:154; , 9:397, 13:350–1, 15:93–4, 16:113, 115;This will was superseded by one dated 3 Aug. 1825, also in TJ’s hand.
Index Entries
- Bacon, Edmund; witnesses documents search
- Chisholm, Hugh; witnesses documents search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with A. S. Marks search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Will of Anne Scott Marks search
- Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); and H. Marks’s estate search
- Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); identified search
- Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); will of search
- Marks, Hastings (TJ’s brother-in-law; Anne Scott Jefferson Marks’s husband); estate of search
- McClure (McLure), William; witnesses documents search
- Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); and A. Marks search
- Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); named as executor of will search
- women; documents by; A. S. Marks search