Thomas Jefferson Papers

Randolph Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 8 February 1812

From Randolph Jefferson

woodlawn Feby 8: 12

Dear brother.—

I Received yours of the 6 instant, and am extreemly oblige to you for the things you were so kind as to send me. which came to hand safe, I have not had a tetch of my complaint since I saw you, and have Greatly mended in flesh. I have rode down to snowden on horse back and I found it not disagree a tall with me, tho I rode very slow, and once I went down in the gigg all appeard to a Gree exceedingly well with me so far. as soon as the roads Gits in good order we will come over I expect it will be the last of next month or the first of april, I am very sorry to hear of my sister marks low state of health, but hope she will recover after a little time after the weather Gits a little warmer, if my health should continue to keep as it is I will endeavour to come over next month. if your shepards bitch has any more puppys I must Git the favour of you to save me one dog puppy my wife and family Joins in love and Respect to all of you

I am your most affectionatly.—

Rh; Jefferson

NB if you sent my watch to Fast Bender it is more then probable that she went to the Flames with the rest of the watches in his shops as his shop were burnt about the eighttenth of Jany.

RC (ViU: TJP-CC); endorsed by TJ as received 2 Mar. 1812 and so recorded in SJL.

This letter responds to TJ’s letter of 14 Jan. 1812, which Randolph evidently received on the 6 instant. On 16 Jan. 1812 flames swept through downtown Richmond, destroying several stores, shops, and tenements, including the space occupied by Mr. J. H. Fasbender (Richmond Enquirer, 18 Jan. 1812; DNA: RG 29, CS, Henrico Co., 1820).

Index Entries

  • clocks; R. Jefferson’s watch search
  • dogs; and R. Jefferson search
  • Fasbender, J. H.; merchant search
  • health; of R. Jefferson search
  • Jefferson, Mitchie Ballow Pryor (TJ’s sister-in-law; Randolph Jefferson’s second wife); sends greetings to TJ search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); and dogs search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); health of search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); letters from search
  • Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); watch of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with R. Jefferson search
  • Marks, Anne Scott Jefferson (TJ’s sister; Hastings Marks’s wife); health of search
  • Richmond, Va.; fires in search
  • watches; R. Jefferson’s search